
The Rehearsal Club: Goings On


Marion has been taken into hospice and needs your prayers -- please take a moment to send healing energy her way -- and shower her with cards!  Let her know the healing energy of our Rehearsal Club women when we come together in spirit!
Chandler Hall
99 Barclay Street
Newtown, PA  18940


Many of our Rehearsal Club Alums decked out in 1920's duds to shimmy on down to the Metro Baptist Church for an evening of blackjack, craps, giggle juice (after all, Prohibition has been repealed), Tarot readings and, of course, lots of the shimmy shim sham!

Honorary Chair, Kathy Conry spearheaded the awesome creativity and gathered Hell's Kitchen merchants to contribute to the well-stocked variety of raffle items; Chair, Denise Pence, captured the event in pictures.  Watch the Metro Baptist Church website for details (& more pics) in the future.

THANK YOU, KATHY, for all the work you continue to do for this ministry.  If you live in the NY area and want to get involved, do search them out.  Donate coats now for their winter closet and volunteer every Monday starting in November to help distribute.




Remember the Diet Coke Rockette commercial from years ago (they were in competition with Tab at the time)?  Well, June 2015, was their Anniversary and our Rehearsal Club Alum, Dottie Belle, was asked to be the Rockette Spokesperson for the Diet Coke Documentary to be aired later this year!   Everything old is NEW again -- and we're making it happen in our documentary for The Rehearsal Club!

Our women continue to get hired and/or generate their own work. 
OLYVE HALLMARK ABBOTTone of our Cinderella writers, is already a published writer - check out her books on Amazon.com (her last book, Come Sundown, was ranked in the Top 50!) RC Alum TV performers might find TV-Live or Dead especially fascinating.
TERRY BAUGHAN was the 1st Place Winner in her college alumni association's short story contest, published, April 2015.
DOTTIE BELLE is a former Rockette, featured in the upcoming Diet Coke documentary; now runs her own business as a personal physical therapist - www.fitnessforever.biz
a member of Actor's Studio, is continually writing & performing.
KATHY CONRY continues to direct and choreograph professionally while producing projects for her ministry.  
CYNTHIA DARLOW is a working actress in NYC and a current member of TACT
BETTY GALVANO has a new book, "Zapped By The Spirit" released September, 2015
SUSAN GARVEY was cast in Calendar Girls ("Annie Clarke") & is pulling double-duty as Myra Brhul" in Deathtrap about the same time (Oct. 29 - Nov. 22) Next Stop Theatre!
PATRICIA HILL  continues behind the camera with Mr. Robinson (NBC)
LIZ HODES continues to produce & perform out of her home in NYC.  Next up:  State of the Union, Nov 15, 2015  Contact:  lizhodes@yahoo.com

SUNNY KEYSER's daughter, Jen Halpern, casting director, also produces an annual "Rescue Men" calendar featuring men who adopt our furry friends: www.rescuemen.org

MARSHA KRAMER continues to work in LA; most recently on Modern Family
FRANCINE MANCINI continues to perform her original music & lyrics for her rock band, "NO UTURNS."  www.nouturnsad.wix.com/rock
DIANE PHELAN, our 2013 RC Rising Star is in "King and I." www.dianephelan.com
GRACE KILEY's Ongoing and Master Classes in Acting & Directing.  Contact her directly at gracekiley@gmail.com
MARY JANE HOUDINA teaches Pilates, adult jazz & tap  @ 5-6-7-8 Dance Arts (Brewster, N.Y.) & @ Logrea Dance Academy (Ossining, N.Y) regularly.  She continues to choreograph professionally, most recently "High Society".
LEE KELLEY s available for coaching
MELANIE MAYRON is actively directing; watch for her name in Pretty Little Liars, Grace & Frankie; and Jane the Virgin.
ANNIE O'DONNELL continues to perform & can be seen in features like, Jersey Boys & The Artist while continuing to guest star regularly.
DENISE PENCE continues her weekly broadcast, "The Cinematic Arts" for Gatewave Radio & is an Associate Member of Articulate Theater Company. (www.articulatetheatre.com)   www.denisepence.com 
AMANDA TREES recently co-authored and starred as "Alice" in Alice Are You, based on Alice in Wonderland, performed in Brooklyn to a sold out crowd. www.aliceareyou.com

Contact us with your Goings On!
Paid up member's latest news is repeated on our website: Then & Now
(special thank you to Francine Mancini for web updates)


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Rehearsal Club | 111 Great Hill | Ridgefield | CT | 06877

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