
Collaboration Award Gala Pix and more

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Here are a few pix from the
Collaboration Award Gala
at SVA Beatrice Theatre

Our Keynote Speakers, Sirius XM Stars THE MOMS
Denise Albert & Melissa Musen Gerstein

2015 Collaboration Award winner T.D. Mitchell
(with Sheryl Kaller, who was unable to attend)
with award presenters Casey McLain & Amy Rose Marsh
of Samuel French, Artistic Directors of their OOB Festival

Collaboration Award Co-Hosts
Past & Current Co-Presidents
leslie Shreve, Shellen Lubin, & Avis Boone

More pix on fb, twitter, & soon on Pinterest.

Thanks to all of you who shared this extraordinary night with us,
Shellen Lubin & leslie Shreve

Workshop from WMM: Streaming Webinar!
An Insider's Guide to Film on Kickstarter
Workshop and Streaming Webinar! 

Wednesday, October 28th| Register here

Over the past five years, Kickstarter has transformed the creative process -- raising over $1.9 billion for creative projects from the world's largest community dedicated to bringing creative projects to life. But how can filmmakers most strategically use Kickstarter to help get new work made? In this workshop and simultaneous webinar, Kickstarter Film Outreach Lead Dan Schoenbrun will share his insights about what makes a successful Kickstarter campaign, profiles several innovative campaigns, talks about strategy, rewards, and how to best spread the word about your project. If you're in NY you can attend the workshop in person and if not, you can log onto the webinar from anywhere!  We hope you can join us for what promises to be an info-packed event.

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to receive Submission Opportunities for writers, directors, actors and more for Stage and/or Screen.  (You get to pick what you receive, and we will not send you information that is not requested.)
Link to #ScreenOpps online

Link to  #Stage Opps online

Link to #Stage Opps online
Link to ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

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Affiliate Member Organizations:

New Member Organizations pending! Watch this space ...
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Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc. | 244 Fifth Avenue | Suite 2932 | New York | NY | 10010

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsOct24

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS Submissions are now open for the 2025 Women in the Arts and Media Coalition Collaboration Awards  Playwrights, Sc...