
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMay15

and WomenArts presents
Submission opportunities for women in film/video.

**Opportunities starred are for women only.
##Opportunities with double hashtags are for special populations.

May’s Featured Opportunity
ARTErra Residency Program: Extended Deadline PLUS TWO “Basic Baskets” for your stay!
ARTErra is an art residency in Portugal. We are committed to providing to our art residents the tools and environment where they easily can create and develop their artistic object(s). We are now receiving applications for 2015. The application project is simple and by email.
Please contact us for more details.
Mail: arterra.geral@gmail.com
Mobile: 351963779054
As an extra added bonus to #ScreenOpps readers, you’ll receive two basic baskets (including spices, olive oil, sugar, potatoes, onions, kitchen paper and detergents, teas, and eggs, fruits and vegetables from the ARTErra garden) for your stay!
To Apply: Send an email to specialoppscode@gmail.com to receive this month’s special code, and make sure to include it in the subject line of your email!
Deadline Extended to May 15, 2015
One on One: Discount on Registration Fee
One on One is a members only networking studio. We provide actors with the opportunity to meet and work on-camera with industry professionals, including agents, managers and casting directors. Our events are either intimate group classes or private one-on-one sessions. We are not an agency and do not represent actors. We require an audition in order to become a member. Since all of our talent is pre-screened, industry guests hold One on One actors to a different standard than actors at other networking studios. Agents, managers and casting directors come to One on One expecting to meet actors with talent, professionalism, and dedication who take their careers seriously. We have new member auditions every week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Accepted actors attend an orientation and can immediately start signing up for classes and sessions. There is a one-time $50 membership fee, $10 of which is paid for at the time you schedule your audition on our website. If accepted, the remaining balance is paid when you attend an Orientation.
$25 off your registration fee when auditioning. Offer through May 30 for readers of #ScreenOpps. www.oneononenyc.com On the home page, choose NYC, LA, or TEEN. When registering online, add womenartsmedia in the referral line.  Deadline: May 30, 2015

**Bluestocking Film Series** (Spring, 2015, Portland, ME) – Seeking short films (30 minutes or shorter) that pass the Bechdel Test for Women in Movies (film must include 2 or more female characters with names who talk to each other about something other than a man). FEE: $20-45. Bluestocking Film Series, Gitgo Productions, 161 Fort Rd., South Portland, Maine 04106,http://www.bluestockingfilms.com/submit-your-film/Deadline: May 22, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

##Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (October 8-18, 2015, Seattle, WA) – Seeks to strengthen, connect, and reflect diverse communities through queer film and media. Seeking entries by, for, and about LGBT people in the following categories: Narrative Feature, Documentary Features (longer than 40 minutes), and Short (under 40 minutes). FEE: $0-$20. Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, 1122 E. Pike St., #1313, Seattle, WA 98122, T: (206) 323-4274, FAX: (206) 323-4275, info@threedollarbillcinema.org,http://www.threedollarbillcinema.org/programs/SLGFFDeadline: June 1, 2015 (regular), June 22, 2015 (late)

Society for Visual Anthropology SVA Ethnographic Film Festival(November 18-22, 2015, Chicago, IL) – Ethnographic media is defined broadly as works created as the result of ethnographic fieldwork or those which use, are informed by, or illustrate the principles of anthropological theory or methods. Festival gives independent filmmakers as well as distributors broad access to a market of several thousand anthropologists and educators. Seeking ethnographic videos and films in the following categories: Ultra-Short (under 5 minutes; cell-phone and you-tube style videos permitted and encouraged; up to 3 ultra-shorts may be submitted with one entry fee), Short (30 minutes or under), Feature (30-120 minutes), and Interactive Media and Audio/Photo Essay (interactive media includes websites, interactive CD-ROMs / DVD-ROMs / Blu-Ray disks, hyperlinked documents, active or annotated media, etc.; audio and photo essays includes audio-only essays, still photographs, photo and audio essays, soundscapes, and other media). FEE: $10-$70. Society for Visual Anthropology SVA Ethnographic Film Festival, Attn: Dr. Harjant S. Gill, Anthropology, Towson University, 8000 York Rd., Towson, MD 21252, T: (410) 704-5166, svafilmfestival@gmail.com,http://societyforvisualanthropology.org/Deadline: May 15, 2015 (late)

**St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival** (October 20-24, 2015, St., John’s, NL, Canada) – Aims to support and encourage women filmmakers and increase the exposure of their works. Seeking films written, produced, and/or directed by women in the following categories: Drama (including Comedy), Documentary, Animation, and Experimental. FEE: $10-$50 CAD. St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, PO Box 984, Station C, St. John’s, NL A1C 5M3, Canada, T: (709) 689-0296, info@womensfilmfestival.com,http://www.womensfilmfestival.comDeadline: May 15, 2015 (late), May 22, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

##San Diego Asian Film Festival (November 5-14, 2015, San Diego, CA) – Seeks to showcase the diverse Pan Asian experience through the media arts. Seeking work by Asian and non-Asian artists that explores the Pan Asian experience in the following categories: Short Animation, Short Documentary, Feature Documentary, Narrative Short, and Narrative Feature. FEE: $25-$60. San Diego Asian Film Festival, 2508 Historic Decatur Rd., Ste. 140, San Diego, CA 92106, T: (619) 400-5911, FAX: (619) 342-2695, info@sdaff.org,http://www.pac-arts.org/Deadline: May 25, 2015 (regular), June 8, 2015 (late), June 15, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com - Feature Films), June 17, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com - Short Films)

##Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival (November 12-22, 2014, Philadelphia, PA) – Seeking films by, starring, and/or about Asian Americans in the following categories: Short (under 40 minutes), Narrative Feature (40 minutes or over), and Documentary Feature (40 minutes or over). FEE: $15-$40. Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival, Attn: Rob Buscher, 1010 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19107, T: (203) 449-6140, rob@phillyasianfilmfest.org,www.phillyasianfilmfest.org. Deadline: June 1, 2015 (regular), July 5, 2015 (late)

Slamdance Film Festival (Park City, UT) - The Slamdance Film Festival is dedicated to new filmmakers. We accept films in every genre, on any topic from every country around the world. The festival program is selected from 100% blind submissions and we do not disqualify any films based on premiere status or date of completion. Our mission is to bring attention to the most talented emerging filmmakers, showcasing their work in the media frenzy of festival week in Park City, Utah. This year, filmmakers may submit through Withoutabox or our Alternative Submission Form. Visithttp://showcase.slamdance.com/Film-Submissions to apply. Fee: $40-$110.Deadline: July 24, 2015 (Early), September 4, 2015 (Regular), October 8, 2015 (late), October 15, 2015 (Final WOB)

The 52nd New York Film Festival (September 26 - October 12, 2015, NYC, NY) - The New York Film Festival was founded in 1962 and is produced by the Film Society of Lincoln Center which aims to demonstrate the development of international film art and contemporary trends in content, form, and style. The festival is highly competitive with an average of 30 feature films in the Main Slate which are chosen by a Selection Committee of five programmers. A comprehensive short film program is selected by the Short Film Committee. There are no categories and no prizes awarded at NYFF. The Avant-Garde section of NYFF premieres non-narrative, experimental film and video. Work of any length is considered. To apply:http://www.filmlinc.com/nyff2014/pages/nyff52-submissionsDeadline: May 3, 2015 (Regular), June 1, 2015 (late)

The Chicago International Social Change Film Festival (September 25-27, 2015, Chicago, IL) - The Chicago International Social Change Film Festival aims to encourage and support the work of independent filmmakers from all around the world. The filmmaker is able to promote their product as a valuable contribution to the understanding of social change. In other words, the independent film is a tool toward better world understanding of the issues facing society today and how to change them. Accepting submissions for Short Length Films, Feature Length Films and Micro-Films (under 3 minutes). Fee: $25-50. Visit http://www.chicagosocialchange.org/ for more information and to apply.  Deadline: June 1, 2015 (WAB Deadline 3)

Hawaii International Film Festival (November 12-22, 2015, Honolulu, HI) -The HIFF 2015 festival will take place at the Dole Cannery Stadium 18 Theaters in Honolulu on Oahu. As the vanguard forum of international cinematic achievement in the Asia-Pacific region, Hawaii International Film Festival (HIFF) endeavors to recognize new and emerging talent, promote career development and original collaborations through innovative education programs, and facilitate dynamic cultural exchange through the cinema arts. Each year in preparation for the event, HIFF programmers view some 1,000 films and choose an average of 150 features, documentaries and film shorts. Among them are world premieres, North American premieres, U.S. premieres, experimental films, animation and digital works representing social and ethnic issues, and first features by new directors. HIFF also conducts seminars, workshops, special award presentation receptions with top Asian, Pacific and North American filmmakers participating. To submit and for more information, visit http://www.hiff.org/industry/. For inquiries, phone: (808) 792-1577 x7 or email: program@hiff.org or minette@hiff.orgDeadline: June 1, 2015 (Late), June 5, 2015 (WAB Extended)

Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival (October 2015, Utica, NY) – Seeking films that address human rights violations so they remain unspoken no longer for a human rights forum that combines film, art, music, and a conference into one festival. They are interested in films that expose human rights violations and that offer solutions and hope for the future. Seeking entries in the following categories: Documentary Feature (50 minutes or longer), Narrative Feature (50 minutes or longer), Documentary Short (under 50 minutes), and Narrative Short (under 50 minutes). FEE: $20-$55. Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival, 309 Genesee St. (use Park Ave. entrance), Utica, NY 13502, T: (315) 520-8410, info@ilionfilmcompany.com, www.IamUnspoken.com.Deadline: June 1, 2015 (late), July 1, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival and Lecture Series**(October 2015, New York, NY) – Organized by African Voices and Long Island University’s Media Arts Dept., Brooklyn Campus, the 3-day festival is dedicated to providing opportunities for women of color filmmakers to advance their careers in the film industry. Entries must be directed, produced, or written by a woman or women of color, and will be accepted in the following categories: Women Film, Documentary, Narrative, Experimental, African Film, and India Film.FEE: $20-$30. Reel Sisters, c/o African Voices, 270 W. 96th St., New York, NY 10025, T: (347) 534-3304, FAX: (212) 316-3335, coordinator@reelsisters.org,http://www.reelsisters.orgDeadline: June 9, 2015 (regular), June 20, 2015 (late)

##Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival - (September 10-14, 2014, Austin, TX) – Cultivates the Texas LGBTQI community by enlightening, educating, and entertaining through programs that enrich the LGBTQI and ally communities while developing LGBTQI awareness. Seeking entries in the following categories: Narrative Feature (60 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature (60 minutes or longer), Experimental Feature (60 minutes or longer), Narrative Short (under 60 minutes), Documentary Short (under 60 minutes), Experimental Short (under 60 minutes), My Queer Movie (amateur films under 10 minutes), and Digital and Interactive Media Projects (multi-media, performance, and interactive projects). FEE: $10-$55. Visithttps://filmfreeway.com/festival/AustinGayLesbianInternationalFilmFestivalaGLIFFfor guidelines and to apply. Deadline: May 23, 2015 (regular), June 13, 2015 (late), June 20, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

##Fargo-Moorhead LGBT Film Festival (Moorhead, MN) – Seeks to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender lived experience through the vision of innovative film and video makers. They are especially interested in films and videos that encourage a sense of community. Seeking works with an LGBT focus in the following categories: Narrative Feature (over 40 minutes), Narrative Short (30 minutes or under), Documentary Feature (over 50 minutes), Documentary Short (50 minutes or under), Experimental (under 20 minutes), and Animation (any length). FEE: $15-$40. F-M LGBT Film Festival, c/o Rea, Film Studies, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1104 7th Ave. South, Moorhead, MN 56563, T: (218) 477-4621, rea@mnstate.edu,http://www.fmlgbtff.com/Deadline: June 1, 2015 (late), June 15, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

United Nations Association Film Festival (October 16-26, 2012, Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Stanford University, CA) – Celebrates the power of films dealing with human rights, environmental themes, population, migration, women’s issues, refugee protection, homelessness, racism, health, universal education, war and peace. UNAFF offers a unique opportunity to view documentaries that are rarely screened, to become familiar with global problems, and to acquire a better understanding of the means to address these problems. Seeking entries in the following categories: Documentary Feature and Documentary Short. FEE: $25-$45. To apply and for guidelines, visit: http://www.unaff.orgDeadline: May 5, 2015 (early), May 15, 2015 (regular), May 25, 2015 (late)

**CineWomen’s International Call For Women Artists, Filmmakers and Choreographers** -  In collaboration with womenartconnect.com, CinéWomen launches its fourth annual call for women artists, filmmakers and choreographers. The selection will be proceeded by our team and will cover worldwide productions. It is possible to tender up to 2 works.  Selected artists will be published in our art review.  There are 3 categories to submit works to: video art, independent cinema, dance/performing arts.
Building on the success of the third edition, CinéWomen continues showcasing video practice from around the worldHonoring the influence of women in video art, cinema and choreography, we will present a selection of worldwide artists for our 2015 Edition. You can use this form to submit your film/video for consideration for this year's CinéWomen Edition or cinewomen@europe.com a link to your video (vimeo/youtube/dropbox/wetransfer) and a 200 words or less description of your submitted work. The selection will be proceeded by our team and will cover worldwide productions and various formats and media. Visit http://www.womenartconnect.com/Call-for-artists.php for more guidelines.Deadline: May 15, 2015

**The Broad Humor Film Festival** (September 24-27, 2015, Los Angeles, CA) – Features funny films written and directed by women. Entries must either be written or directed by a woman, and the subject matter must include “a healthy dose of humor.” Seeking entries in the following categories: Short Films (under 35 minutes), Feature Films (70-125 minutes), Short Screenplays (under 35 pages), and Feature Screenplays (75-115 pages).  FEE: $40-$60. The Broad Humor Film Festival, 9854 National Blvd., # 166, Los Angeles, CA 90034, T: (310) 403-2882, info@broadhumor.com, http://www.broadhumor.com.Deadline: May 29, 2015 (regular), June 30, 2015 (late), July 31, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**La Femme Film Festival** (October 15-18, 2015, Beverly Hills, CA) – Supports and nurtures the artistic entertainment productions of women for the benefit of an international and domestic audience. This multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and sexually diverse festival is devoted to women in key positions of film productions. Seeking films directed, produced or written by women in the following categories: Feature (60-120 minutes), Documentary (50-120 minutes), Screenplay, Short (under 40 minutes), Commercial/Music Video, Mid-Length (40-60 minutes), Mobisode (under 15 minutes), Webisode (under 30 minutes), Game, Animation Short, Animation Feature (40-120 minutes), Special Documentary of Focus, and TV Pilot Script. FEE: $30-$115. La Femme Film Festival, 369 South Doheny Dr. #212, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, T: (310) 441-1645, FAX: (310) 475-8213llapage@lafemme.org, http://lafemme.orgDeadline: May 16, 2015 (early), June 15, 2015 (regular), July 16, 2015 (late), August 15, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com), August 21, 2015 (I Forgot)

**St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival** (October 20-24, 2015, St., John’s, NL, Canada) – Aims to support and encourage women filmmakers and increase the exposure of their works. Seeking films written, produced, and/or directed by women in the following categories: Drama (including Comedy), Documentary, Animation, and Experimental. FEE: $10-$50 CAD. St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, PO Box 984, Station C, St. John’s, NL A1C 5M3, Canada, T: (709) 689-0296, sarah@womensfilmfestival.com,http://www.womensfilmfestival.com. Deadline: May 15, 2015 (late), May 22, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Mill Valley Film Festival (October 8-18, 2015, San Rafael, CA) – High-profile, prestigious, non-competitive environment celebrating the best independent and world cinema. Seeking entries of three lengths: Short (maximum 50 minutes) and Feature (minimum 50 minutes) in the following categories: Narrative (Official Premiere Selection, World Cinema , US Cinema, 5@5), Documentary, Children/Family, Animation, Experimental, and Youth Produced (made by filmmakers age 18 and younger; maximum 15 minutes in length). FEE: $10-$75. Mill Valley Film Festival, 1001 Lootens Place, Ste. 220, San Rafael, CA 94901, T: (415) 526-5839, FAX: (415) 383-8606, mvff@cafilm.org,http://www.mvff.comDeadline: May 15, 2015 (regular), June 12, 2015 (final), June 26, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Long Beach Q Film Festival (September 10-13, 2015, Long Beach, CA) – Seeking films that embody the LGBTQ community and the values of freedom, justice, and inclusion of everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Seeking films with LGBTQ themes, depicting LGBTQ characters and community, in the following categories: Documentary Feature (50 minutes or longer), Short (under 50 minutes), and Feature (50 minutes or longer).FEE: $15-$20. Long Beach Q Festival, 2017 E. 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90814, T: (562) 434-4455, holly@hollylight.comhttp://www.qfilmslongbeach.com/.Deadline: June 7, 2015

Dallas VideoFest (October 8-18, 2015, Dallas, TX) – Oldest and largest video festival in the U.S., aims to promote an understanding of video as a creative medium and cultural force. Seeking videos in the following categories: Documentary Short (25 minutes or under), Documentary Feature (over 25 minutes), Experimental Short (25 minutes or under), Experimental Feature (over 25 minutes), Narrative Short (25 minutes or under), Narrative Feature (over 25 minutes), and Texas Show (under 20 minutes; made by Texas residents). FEE: $30-$55. Dallas VideoFest, 1405 Woodlawn, Dallas, TX 75208,info@videofest.orgwww.videofest.orgDeadline: June 1, 2015 (regular), June 30, 2015 (late)

The Audience Awards Presents, Best Films: Seattle (May 26-June 5, 2015, Seattle, WA) Seattle filmmakers or films that have screened in Seattle are invited to submit their short film in the following genres: Live Action, Documentaries, Animation, Adventure and Music Videos, to compete for a total of $5,000. The first round of competition runs for eleven days beginning May 26 through June 5, 2015. The top three films with the most votes in each category move on to compete in the finals round. The 15 most voted films compete in the finals round from June 8­‐19 for $5,000. The film with the most votes wins $2,500, 2nd place film wins $1,500 and 3rd place film wins $1000 for a total of $5,000 in cash prizes for the top three most voted films. Open submissions for Best Films: Seattle, hosted on TheAudienceAwards.com, opens March 25, 2015 and closes May 25th. Filmmakers can submit films from any year to multiple categories.  We have partnered with the following film festivals: Reel Girls, Women in Film, 48 hour Film Project, Northwest Heat Music Festival and 3 Dollar Bill Cinema.  If you have any questions, contact Carolyn O'Neill: carolyn@filmspur.comtheaudienceawards.com/bestfilmsseattle.  Deadline: May 25, 2015

The DIY Film Festival (year-round screening in Los Angeles, CA, and some other U.S. cities) – Honors independent filmmakers and self-produced films that demonstrate that great art can be created without large expenditures. Seeking entries in the following categories: Dramatic Feature, Documentary Feature, Comedic Feature, Animation, Dramatic Short, Documentary Short, Comedic Short, Mocumentary, and Student. FEE: $20-$55. DIY Film Festival, c/o Martini Prods, PO Box 248, Santa Monica, CA 90406, T: (310) 200-2745, FAX: (310) 451-7222, diyfilmfest@yahoo.comhttp://diyfilmfest.com.  Submissions are ongoing

Comer Casting, Background Registration Comer Casting is currently holding spring registration for any actors interested in doing background/extra work in television and film in the NYC and surrounding areas. The Comer Casting team has most recently cast background roles on Netflix's "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," CBS's "The Good Wife," Fox's "The Following," and "A Most Violent Year."  For more information:http://www.backstage.com/casting/comer-casting-background-registration-70099/
Reel Jobs NYC (NYC) - Reel Jobs List is a free job listing, which is limited to job opportunities in the film, television and theatre industries. It is published by the Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting each Monday.  It can be downloaded in PDF format or picked up at our offices at 1697 Broadway in New York City between 9am and 5pm weekdays.  In the case of a public holiday falling on a Monday, the listing will be available on Tuesday. The Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting (MOFTB) accepts job listings by email only, which must be submitted using this email form.  The weekly deadline for filing new announcements is Thursday at 12/noon for the following week's Reel Jobs NYC.  Your free listing will run for one week.  If you would like the listing to run longer, please re-submit your listing for each week that you would like it to run.  The MOFTB is not responsible for changes in listings not reported to us.  The MOFTB reserves the right to edit and/or modify submitted listings, and has final approval for all listings. PDF format here:http://www.nyc.gov/html/film/html/jobs_training/reel_jobs_list.shtml.


Hearst Foundation Grants for Cultural Projects – Supports programs that enrich the lives of young people by engaging them in cultural activities, primarily through arts-in-education programs. Grants are awarded to major institutions and community organizations in the arts and sciences that address the lack of arts programming in pre-K through 12th grade curricula by providing comprehensive, on-site and/or outreach education activities. Considers requests from organizations with operating budgets under $1 million. Submit a brief cover letter, one-page executive summary, and a five-page proposal narrative and attachments. See website for complete guidelines and application procedure. NOTE: Applications by postal mail only. Organizations East of the Mississippi River should send requests to: The Hearst Foundations, 300 West 57th St., 26th Fl, New York, New York 10019-3741, T: (212) 586-5404, FAX: (212) 586-1917; Organizations West of the Mississippi River should send requests to: The Hearst Foundations, 90 New Montgomery St., Ste. 1212, San Francisco, CA 94105, T: (415) 908-4500, FAX: (415) 348-0887,http://www.hearstfdn.org/Deadline: Ongoing

Princess Grace Awards – Identifies and assists emerging artists in theatre, playwriting, dance, and choreography. Theatre awards take the form of scholarships, apprenticeships, and fellowships at non-profit schools and theatres. Playwriting award includes a residency at New Dramatists, Inc. and the opportunity for the winning play to be licensed and published by Samuel French, Inc. Dance performance awards take the form of scholarships and fellowships. Choreography awards take the form of fellowships for collaborations with non-profit dance companies. See website for complete guidelines and to apply. Diana Kemppainen, Program Manager, Princess Grace Foundation-USA, grants@pgfusa.orghttp://www.pgfusa.orgDeadline: June 1, 2015 (Film)

##National Museum of the American Indian Indigenous Contemporary Arts Program / Artist Leadership – Supporting wide range of arts activities with goal of increasing knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of contemporary Native American arts. Awards of $6,000-$7,000 enable indigenous artists to research, document, network, and develop life skills to enhance artistic growth and strengthen career development. Two-part program includes visit to Washington, D.C., to conduct research and to receive professional training services, as well as an artist-facilitated community project to share knowledge learned from visit in one of two categories: youth public art or artist’s community workshop. Eligibility: Must be an indigenous artist of the Western Hemisphere who is recognized by the their community and can demonstrate significant artistic accomplishments; may work in any media (visual, media, performance arts, literature, etc.) Visit the website for guidelines and to apply: http://nmai.si.edu/connect/artist-leadership-program/Receipt Deadline: May 4, 2015

**Leeway Transformation Award** – $15,000 unrestricted award for women and trans artists living in the Delaware Valley who create art and social change and have done so for the past five years or more. Open to artists working in any art form who respectfully engage communities and audiences in creating a vision of a more just world, raising consciousness, and challenging oppression and mainstream culture. Applicants must have lived for the past two or more years in Bucks, Camden, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia Counties, with the intention of remaining in the Delaware Valley throughout the award year (ending December 31, 2015); applicants must demonstrate financial need and a commitment to making art for social change. Artists may apply collaboratively if they meet the basic eligibility requirements, but each co-applicant must submit a separate artist information form. For full guidelines and application forms, contact the Foundation. Leeway Foundation, The Philadelphia Building, 1315 Walnut St., Suite 832, Philadelphia, PA 19107, T: (215) 545-4078, info@leeway.orghttp://www.leeway.orgReceipt Deadline: May 15, 2015

Vermont Arts Council Project Grants – Grants of $500-$2,000 to support art activities that enhance the quality of life for Vermont’s citizens, attract visitors, and help stimulate local economies. They particularly encourage projects that address the needs of underserved populations, include and compensate Vermont artist, and, where appropriate, work in collaboration with other organizations including school, community organizations, etc.  Open to Vermont-registered nonprofit organizations. NOTE: Apply online, through website. Vermont Arts Council Project Grants, 136 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-6001, Contact: Ben Doyle, Artist and Community Services Program Manager, T: (802) 828-5425, http://www.vermontartscouncil.org/Grants/ProjectGrantGuidelines/tabid/243/Default.aspxDeadline: May 15, 2015

##Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants – Supports and assists artists at various stages in their careers with grants of $2,000-$10,000 to encourage creative development and career building opportunities. Open to artists in all disciplines who reside in Minnesota. For full guidelines and application, see website. Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants, Park Square Court, Ste. 200, 400 Sibley St., Saint Paul, MN, Kathee Foran, Program Officer, T: (651) 215-1626, Kathee.Foran@arts.state.mn.us,http://www.arts.state.mn.us/grants/artist-initiative.htmDeadline: June 12, 2015 @ 4:30pm (literary arts), July 12, 2015 @ 4:30pm (performance arts), August 7, 2015 @ 4:30pm (visual and media arts)

**New York Women in Film and Television In-Kind Post Production Grants** – Grants of in-kind post production services to films directed and produced by New York area-based women filmmakers. Grants for an online session and/or a sound mix will be awarded to help complete a work-in-progress. Films may be up to one hour long in any genre, and must have completed principle photography and be at a rough cut or fine cut stage to be eligible. Fill out application form (available on website), and submit along with a 2-4-page description of the project, a project budget (indicating amount raised to date), a list of key creative personnel with one-paragraph bios, and a DVD of the work-in-progress. NOTE: Paperwork may be sent electronically, but DVD’s must be mailed or delivered. New York Women in Film and Television, In-Kind Post Production Grants, 6 East 39th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016, Contact: Easmanie Michel, T: (212) 679-0870 x39, grants@nywift.org,http://www.nywift.org/article.aspx?ID=3627.  Deadline: June 15, 2015

**Loreen Arbus Disability Awareness Grant** - Film completion grant of $7,500 to a woman filmmaker for a film on physical or developmental disability issues. Director and producers are eligible to apply. Films may be of any length or genre, and must be works-in-progress that have completed principle photography. Filmmakers must be U.S.-based. Submit application form (available on website), 2-page description of project and project budget (indicating amount raised to date), list of key creative personnel with one-paragraph bios, and a DVD of the work-in-progress. NOTE: Paperwork may be sent electronically, but DVD’s must be mailed or delivered. New York Women in Film and Television, Nancy Malone Directing Award, 6 East 39th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016, Contact: Easmanie Michel, T: (212) 679-0870 x39,grants@nywift.orgwww.nywift.orgReceipt Deadline: June 15, 2015

The Writers Lab (September 18-20, 2015, Lake George, NY)Funded with the generous support of Meryl Streep and organized by Iris, The Writers Lab brings 8 women screenwriters over the age of 40 together with established mentors from the film industry for an intimate gathering and intensive workshop at Wiawaka Center for Women on Lake George, NY.  The only program of its kind, The Writers Lab evolved in recognition of the absence of the female voice in narrative film, along with the dearth of support for script development. The lab offers 8 promising films by women over 40 a springboard to production.  Caroline Kaplan (Time Out of MindPersonal Velocity), Kirsten Smith (Legally BlondTen Things I Hate About You), Jessica Bendinger (Bring It On, Aquamarine), Mary Jane Skalski (Win WinThe Station Agent), Gina Prince-Bythewood (Secret Life of BeesBeyond the Lights) among others will be serving as mentors, pending scheduling. Mentors advise in one-on-one meetings with additional events to inspire artists to hone their creative vision.  Applicants must be women who were born on or prior to June 1, 1975, and must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. The Lab seeks submissions from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural groups. Submissions must be full-length narrative screenplays in English. (No TV scripts, shorts or documentaries.) We seek a broad selection of screenplays across all genres of fiction. Scripts by more than one writer will be considered, but all writers must be female, and only one writer can attend The Lab.  The following materials are required for your application and must be submitted electronically:  a PDF of a feature-length narrative screenplay.  contact information, a brief personal statement, and short synopsis.  Submission form:http://www.nywift.org/article.aspx?ID=5504  Deadline:  June 1, 2015 @ 5pm

betterArts (Redwood, NY) – Provides an opportunity for creative exploration and growth to visual artists, writers, and musicians within the context of Better Farm, which offers a rural living experience. Facilities include a 2-story rustic Art Barn for dance, choreography, painting, sculpture, etc., practice space for musicians, shop space, an on-site pond, two lakes within walking distance, and vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens. Residency includes private bedroom, food, linens, wifi, parking, and field trips. Artists are expected to participate in farm activities for several hours a week, and must pay a residency stipend ($700 for 2 weeks, $800 for 3 weeks, $1000 for 1 month, $1950 for 2 months). See website for complete application guidelines. NO FEE. betterArts, 31060 Cottage Hill Rd., Redwood, NY 13679, http://www.betterarts.org/#/residency-info/4547750760Deadline: Rolling

Ragdale Foundation (June-December, 2014, Lake Forest, IL) – Residencies of either 18 or 25 for visual artists, musicians, writers, dancers, media artists, and choreographers. Organization provides housing, meals, and studio space; artist responsible for residency fee ($35/day), deposit ($100/two weeks), travel and materials. FEE: $40. Ragdale Foundation, 1260 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake Forest, IL 60045, T: (847) 234-1063, FAX: (847) 234-1063,info@ragdale.org, www.ragdale.orgDeadline: May 15, 2015 for 2016 Residencies

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (Year-round, Amherst, VA) – Residencies for playwrights, screenwriters, performance artists, and video artists. Average stay is 4 weeks. Residents receive housing, all meals, and studios. Residents responsible for travel, materials, suggested contribution ($30 per day), and deposit ($50). Occasional full funding available. See website for application. FEE: $30. Virginia Center for the Arts, 154, San Angelo Dr., Amherst, VA 24521, T: (434) 946-7236, FAX: (434) 946-7239, vcca@vcca.comwww.vcca.comDeadline: May 15, 2015

The Mesa Refuge (Fall, 2015, Point Reyes, CA) – Supports creative writing on the natural world. Open to writers of all disciplines whose work addresses the environment, the economy, and related social issues. Residents are invited to think and write about the intersections between human activity – capitalism in particular – and the natural world we are obliged to preserve. Residency provides housing and most dinners; artist responsible for travel and other meals. Application must be completed partially by e-mail and partially by regular mail; see website for complete guidelines. NOTE: No phone calls. FEE: $25. The Mesa Refuge, Attn: Juliet Kirkham, PO Box 3286, Berkeley, CA 94703, mesarefuge@gmail.com,http://www.mesarefuge.org/index.php/residencyguidelinesDeadline: June 1, 2015

Headlands Center for the Arts Residency (4-10-week residencies, 2016, Fort Barry, Marin Headlands, CA) – Open to artists working in all media (visual, literary, performance, film and video, audio, music, digital media, and interdisciplinary art), with the goal of providing a supportive working environment for experimentation, reflection, and growth. All residencies are fully sponsored, and some stipends of $500 per month are available (artists may apply for stipend when applying for residency; availability of stipends depends on funding and sponsorship secured each year). Offers both live-in and live-out residencies. Live-in artists are provided with a studio, shared housing, and 5 meals a week. Live-out artists are provided with a studio and dinner twice a week. See website for complete guidelines and application. NOTE: Online applications (through website) strongly encouraged. FEE: $45. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA 94965, T: (415) 331-2787 ext. 24, hblake@headlands.orghttp://www.headlands.org/program/air/. Deadline: June 5, 2015

Caldera Artist Residency (January-March, 2016, Sisters, OR) – Residences of between 2-4 weeks (average) open to playwrights, actors, and directors, as well as all other types of writers and performers. Caldera provides housing and studio; artist must pay for travel, food, and materials. Artists who stay longer than 2 weeks are encouraged to engage in outreach activities, such as workshops, with the local community. Submit Application form (available on website), one-page project description, resume or CV, two letters of reference, and work sample (see website for sample guidelines). NOTE: Applications accepted online (see website) or by postal mail. FEE: $35 (for Individuals) $75 (for collaborations). Caldera, Artists in Residence Program, 31500 Blue Lake Dr., Sisters, OR 97759, Elizabeth Quinn, Artist In Residence Manager, T: (503) 937-7594, FAX: (503) 937-8594, elizabeth.quinn@calderasarts.org, www.calderaarts.orgDeadline: June 15, 2015

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...