
Coalition Newsletter IV:2 April 2015

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Newsletter IV:2April 2015
In This Issue
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Equal Pay Day Rally, 
Member Discounts,
& only a few weeks left to submit 
for the Collaboration Award

Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, April 14 - join us for this year's rally on the Steps of City Hall organized by PowHerNY. And check out all the great member discounts we have for the rest of this month and beyond.

Have you been to our our new website? It includes our great newGender Parity Research Studies page, our

We are working to make re-directs from any of the old web addresses you might still have saved or bookmarked, but if you hit a snag, there are links across the top of the new site and a Search feature on bottom.

2015 Collaboration Award.

Have you submitted yet? If you have a creative project that is a collaboration between two or more women from two or more of our member organizations, you've got until April 30 at 11:59 p.m. to submit for this year's award. See the info below and on our website.

If you have any problem reading  the flyers below, you can see them on our Online Blog.  More events are there and on our

Hope to see you soon,
Shellen Lubin and Avis Boone
Equal Pay Day

NYC Equal Pay Rally - April 14

National Equal Pay Day is April 14th!
In celebration of Equal Pay Day, 
we will be joining PowHerNY 
for a rally on the steps of City Hall!
Tuesday, April 14 at 10am
City Hall Park
Broadway, New York, NY 10007

For more information about the event and pay equity, 
please visit: www.powherny.org.
She Calls Me Firefly - Coalition Night

A special night at this new play by Teresa Lotz directed by Ludovica Villar-Hauser.
Thursday evening, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. Informal talkback after the show. 
To get our discount price of $15 use code Coalition15. Buy tickets here.
NYWIFT:  Voice-Over for the International Market 4/14

There are opportunities for voice-over artists in a wide variety of areas, especially if you are bilingual or multilingual. Translation jobs are an obvious choice. But what does it take to land other types of great paying voice-over jobs - and how do you break in? How do you decide if your voice is better suited for audiobooks, video games, narration - in other words, how do you find your niche? Join NYWIFT and our panel of industry veterans for a lively discussion about the competitive field of voice-over.

With Denia Brache, Manuel Herrara, Felisa Kazen, Mari Mori, Elsie Stark, and Vivienne Jurado. Produced by Vivienne Jurado and Ylana Kellar.

Tuesday, April 14, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Pricing:$15 for all Coalition member org members
$25 to Nonmembers
RSVP by prepayment or online
Location:MIST Harlem
46 West 116th Street (between Lenox and Fifth Avenues) 
Comida De Puta - Discount              

MultiStages presents:
Comida De Puta (F%&king Lousy Food) 
written by Desi Moreno-Penson, directed by Lorca Peress

through APRIL 26
at the West End Theatre at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew
263 West 86th Street, NYC

To get our Coalition price of $12 use code WAMC at www.smarttix.com or 212-868-4444 
Broadway Discounts
A bride. A groom. Their families. What could possibly go wrong? David Hyde Pierce directs an outstanding ensemble cast, led by Tyne Daly and Harriet Harris, with Lisa Howard, Sierra Boggess, and more, in this heartwarming and hilarious new Broadway musical.

When a bride and groom from wildly different backgrounds come together to celebrate a wedding, an unexpected arrival turns the special day into hysterical chaos. Plots are hatched and secrets are exposed - as the bride's resourceful sister is left to turn an unmitigated disaster into happily ever after.

Click here and use Code WED15 and Save Up to 45% Now!

2015 Collaboration Award


The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc. will present the 2015 Collaboration Award recognizing Women Working with Women.

The $1,000 Collaboration Award and additional honorable mentions are designed to encourage professional women in the arts and media from different specializations to work collaboratively on the creation of a new artistic work.  As the aim of the award is to encourage women to work collaboratively with women of other disciplines, each collaborative team must be comprised of female members of different Coalition associations, unions, guilds and affiliates of The Coalition.  Eligible teams may submit any form of creative collaboration on a new work that had its first public performance within the last two years 2013-2015. A Public Performance can include, but is not limited to a staged reading, gallery show, screenings, concert series, etc.
Submissions will be judged on the basis of artistic excellence, diversity, and clarity.  All topics and subjects will be considered.  Special attention shall be given to those projects which reflect the goals of the Coalition:  to advance women's work and women's issues.
The team that has been selected and the honorable mentions will be invited to be recognized at an awards ceremony in New York in October 2015.  Women outside of New York may send a designee to speak about their project and accept the award.
Teams of two or more women working together on the creative project may apply for the 2015 Collaboration Award.  Applicants must be members in good standing of two different organizations and/or affiliates with The Coalition.  (See organizations below.)
The application is online at www.womenartsmediacoalition.org and can be saved and re-worked there until complete and submitted to us. A pdf of the application may also be accessed there in order to work on a submission offline.

Deadline:  The deadline for the return of completed applications is midnight 11:59 p.m. Thursday, April 30, 2015.  Award winners will be announced by September, 2015.

Send all inquiries and questions to: collaborationaward@womenartsmediacoalition.org 

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to receive Submission Opportunities for writers, directors, actors and more for Stage and/or Screen.  (You get to pick what you receive, and we will not send you information that is not requested.)
Link to #ScreenOpps online

Link to  #Stage Opps online

Link to #Stage Opps online
Link to ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.
Member Organizations:              

Affiliate Member Organizations:

We have more new Member Organizations pending! Watch this space ...

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