
WMM - Member Discount for all Coalition Members for Upcoming Workshops

Women Make Movies - Current Workshops

WMM Partner Rates are available to WMM Fiscally Sponsored Filmmakers, members of WMM Partner Groups and Friends of WMM. 

Fundraising: An Essential Overview of the Basics with Tracie Holder
Thursday, February 12 | 6:30 - 8:30PM
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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Fundraising for documentaries can be intimidating and evenoverwhelming but without it, even the best film ideas will never be realized. This workshop is designed to build your confidence and help you devise a fundraising strategy whether you’re new to fundraising or need a refresher. Topics include: proposal writing, grant-seeking from private and government foundations, fundraising from individuals, and targeted appeals through events and on-line solicitations. Come, take the plunge and learn fundraising basics that will help move your project from idea to reality. Presented by Tracie Holder, filmmaker, fundraiser and engagement specialist. Holder has raised nearly $2 million for her own projects from numerous funders including the MacArthur and Ford Foundations, ITVS, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, New York State Council for the Arts and Corporation for Public Broadcasting, among others.

Secrets of Successful Proposals with Michelle Materre
Thursday, February 26 | 6:30 - 8:30PM
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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As film funding becomes increasingly scarce and the competition for every dollar skyrockets, how will you make your grant application grab a funder’s attention? Proposal writing is a skill, equal parts art and science. Join us to learn these essentials skills and build your confidence so you can put your best foot forward and make your proposal stand out in a crowd. In this workshop, we will cover the essentials of grant-writing, provide an overview of the major film funders, review what they fund, how best to approach them, and how to avoid common mistakes. Presented by Michelle Materre, Assistant Professor of Media Studies and Film at the New School. Michelle has more than 25 years experience as film producer, writer, arts administrator, distribution and marketing specialist and is a member of WMM’s Board of Directors.

Meet the Funder: NYSCA (New York State Council on the Arts) with Arian Blanco
Wednesday, March 11th | 6:30-8:30pm 
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Are you planning to apply to NYSCA, a leading source of funding for NY-based media makers? If so, here’s your opportunity to ask questions and find out how best to navigate the application process. Arian Blanco, NYSCA Program Officer, will lead this information session and answer your questions. NYSCA funding supports Documentary and Narrative works, Interactive/Digital Technology, Animation and Radio. Projects can be a combination of media, including but not limited to, work for tape, installation, single-channel work, or interactive disc formats. Artists at various career stages are welcome to apply. Grant amounts range from $5,000 to $25,000. Documentary projects must be in the post-production phase and all applicants must have proof of New York State residency.

Building Your Social Media Presence While Making Your Film with Theresa Riley
Wednesday, April 22nd | 6:30-8:30pm 
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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Designing an effective social media strategy takes more than merely creating a Facebook page for your film. For many filmmakers, harnessing these powerful tools is a mystery, is daunting or both! This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, that  you should be utilizing to successfully build community and audience, generate buzz for your film and focus attention the issues your film addresses. This workshop will not address fundraising or how to build a Kickstarter campaign but rather will cover social media strategies that will help you promote your film while you fundraise, or are in production or distribution.  Leading this workshop is Theresa Riley, former Director of POV Interactive, WMM Board member and Director of Digital Content & Strategy at BillMoyers.com. She is an award-winning web producer, digital strategist par excellence and editor whose work has been featured on PBS Online and TIME.com.​

Meet the Funder: NYWIFT’s Fund for Women Filmmakers and Chicken & Egg with Terry Lawler & Jenni Wolfson 
Tuesday, May 5th| 6:30-8:30pm 
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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Both NYWIFT (New York Women in Film & Television) and Chicken and Egg provide funds for women filmmakers. NYWIFT’s “Fund for Women Filmmakers,” offers several small grants including an In-Kind Post-Production Grants, a Directing Award and Marketing and Promotion grant for a dramatic feature film while Chicken & Egg Pictures supports women non-fiction filmmakers dedicated to well-crafted storytelling to catalyze social change. Since 2005, Chicken & Pictures has awarded $3.3 million. Joining us will be Terry Lawler, NYWIFT’s Executive Director and Jenni Wolfson, Chicken and Egg Pictures’ Executive Director to share information about their grant programs, the application process and to answer your questions.

Crafting Your Outreach, Engagement and Impact Strategy with Jennifer MacArthur
Wednesday, May 20th| 6:30-8:30pm 
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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Impact, Outreach, Engagement, what do they mean, how do they differ and how do you go about creating a campaign tailored to the issues raised by your film? Increasingly, funders are looking to filmmakers to develop full-blown social change campaigns for their documentaries, often as a prerequisite for funding production of your film. Only by understanding how your film fits within the larger social and political landscape can you begin to design your strategy and to understand the potential impact your campaign can have. Join us for a nuts and bolts conversation about the growing importance of these campaigns and how to go about crafting a game plan best suited to your project. Leading this workshop is Jennifer MacArthur, Founder of Borderline Media which brings together stakeholders and mediamakers to catalyze civic participation, social action and impact using social issue films. For nearly 20 years, Jennifer has worked in radio, film and television, digital media and publishing and has developed an expertise as a multi-platform communications, distribution and engagement strategist with a focus on social issue documentary.

Meet the Broadcaster: Independent Lens; An Evening with Lois Vossen
Monday, June 1st| 6:30-8:30pm 
Regular Rate: $35.00 | (discount rate) $25.00
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Independent Lens is one of the preeminent showcases of independent documentary film on PBS. In its first 12 seasons, Independent Lens received 11 Emmy Awards, 14 Peabody Awards, 5 duPont Awards, and has been nominated for 7 Academy Awards. WMM is delighted to welcome Lois Vossen, Independent Lens’ Deputy Executive Producer and Curator, for a candid and wide-ranging conversation about the series, what they are looking for and how best to get on their radar screen. Come and hear first-hand how Independent Lens goes about choosing their slate of films and bring your questions.


Women Make Movies (WMM) provides highly informative, in-person skill-building workshops to our filmmakers each fall and spring season. To reach a wider audience for our workshops, WMM is delighted to present the following webinars with two industry luminaries.

Creating Your Film Festival Strategy 
Tuesday, February 17 | 1:00 - 3:00PM
Regular Rate: $30.00 | (discount rate) $20.00
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Film Festivals are an essential component in launching your film, building your audience and gaining the interest of distributors and sales agents. Join WMM Executive Director, Debra Zimmerman as she explains the ins and outs of the film festival circuit and helps you figure out the best festival strategy for your film. Find out how to optimize film festival screenings with tips on generating buzz, gaining word of mouth, packaging your film, and navigating the scene once there. Come away from this workshop with a better understanding of how to market your film and to launch your feature, documentary, or short film. With more than 30 years at the helm of WMM, Debbie is one of the industry’s leading lights when it comes to independent film distribution, marketing and financing as well as an authority on women's film.

Interactive Storytelling with Ingrid Kopp
Thursday, March 26th | 1:00-3:00pm
Regular Rate: $30.00 | (discount rate) $20.00
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Whether interactive storytelling is a foreign concept or the space where you’re currently working, this workshop is for you. Join us for this webinar where we will explore the growing field of interactive storytelling, a space that brings together mediamakers, technologists and designers to create media projects that go beyond traditional screens. Come hear about the most exciting work happening in this sphere and find out about cutting-edge projects that integrate film with content across media platforms, from video gaming, apps, social networks and the Web. We are fortunate to have Ingrid Kopp, one of the most innovative leaders in the field, lead this workshop. For those who don’t know her, Ingrid is the Director of the Tribeca Film Institute's Digital Initiatives, including TFI New Media Fund, TFI Interactive and Tribeca Hacks, all of which she will discuss during this info-packed webinar.

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