
CFP: Feminism & Curatorial Strategy

Call for Papers: Feminism & Curatorial Strategy

Southeast College Art Conference

October 21-24, 2015

Pittsburgh, PA

Deadline: April 20, 2015

It is listed below and also on page 20 of the Call for Papers here:

Feminism & Curatorial Strategy: Feminist art research has been investigating art history theory and recorded significant women and other marginalized artists since the 1970s. Feminist activists continue to recognize the underrepresentation of artists who are women and minorities in collections, art sales and exhibitions in museums and gallery representation nationwide. As the statistics continue to wane for women and minorities in the arts, feminism is re-emerging as a key critical strategy in art practice, theory and curating. This discussion seeks to address how institutions small and large choose to or resist integrating feminism into their curatorial/exhibition strategies directly through mission statements and collection plans, or less overtly through organization, display and interpretation. This panel calls on scholars working across historical, modern and contemporary art exhibition curatorial strategies who are informed by a feminist perspective. We are looking to identify ways curators are using feminism to inform their methodology whether in the installation, promotion, and/or didactics of exhibitions in large institutions and smaller galleries; and how this is developing feminist and art history discourse in the twenty-first century. Session chair: Sally Deskins, West Virginia University. Contact: sbdeskins@mix.wvu.edu

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