
Bi-Monthly EBlast from LAFPI!

February may be the shortest month of the year, but you can pack it full seeing theater performances by fellow instigators, writing and getting your work out into the world. Read on for theater listings, submissions opportunities and more!

Meet the Instigators....

Meet Gina Young, an amazing (and award-winning) playwright/performer/director/author who jumped in late last summer to give us some Instagram love! Check it out @theLAFPI; we love that she profiles writers, projects and surprises us with all sorts of stuff. If you've got something to share, send a pic, 2-3 sentences & include your Instagram handle to gina@ginayoung.com. AND some exciting news about abut Gina, she just joined the It Gets Better Tour, which actively reaches out to queer youth in communities across the country.  Congrats and SO glad you're a part of LA FPI, Gina!

Upcoming LA FPI Events

It's LA FPI's 5 Year Anniversary! Our next Gathering (+Micro-Reads) at Sam French is Saturday, March 7 at 1pm. We'll be schmoozing and scheming, snacking and chatting about everything! What about, you ask? The 2nd SWAN Day Action Fest on March 28 at City Garage in Bergamot Station; Reaching out to #FringeFemmes @ the Hollywood Fringe Festival. And – as always – we'll have a blast with our Micro-Reads.

Bullhorn Announcements!

On February 17, 2015, help add women's voices & diversity to Wikipedia in an all-day Wikiturgy Edit-a-thon.
  • Do you want to write entries about notable, underrepresented women?
  • Or get together and write about one another?
  • Does someone want to write an entry on LA FPI?
Consider joining others in a coffee shop or anyplace to create a "hub". It only takes a couple of hours getting the info out there and online to make a difference. Go here for more info. Still have questions? Email wikiturgy@gmail.com.

Read more about the fab dramaturgs behind the edit-a-thon: http://howlround.com/public-dramaturgy-wikipedia-and-combatting-columbusing.

ShineThursday, February 19, 7:30pm at YWCA Westside/Santa Monica: The Best of SHINE. Favorite storytellers selected by staff and audience from 2014. SHINE is produced by LA FPI Instigator Isabel Storey. SHINE is a storytelling series normally held on the third Thursday of every month at YWCA Westside/Santa Monica. At Miles Memorial Playhouse, 1130 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica CA. For more information, visit www.StoreyProductions.com.



To avoid repetition and keep the EBlast readable, check out the EBlast Archive for previously posted submission opportunities!  Please send new ones you come across to be included in the EBlast to Submission Opportunities.

LA Female Playwrights: We Want Your Plays!

Be part of LA FPI's SWAN Day Action Fest, A Festival of Women Playwrights & Directors Saturday, March 28th. Produced by Free Association Theatre, we're looking for 5-7 NEW plays between 15-30 minutes. Submission deadline: Saturday, February 21st! Submission Guidelines Here (or visit http://tiny.cc/wgkatx)

Babes with Blades Theater Company now accepting submissions for the 2015-16 Joining Sword & Pen Playwrighting International Playwriting Competition. Founded in 2005 to increase the number of quality scripts featuring fighting roles for women, BWBTC will consider scripts with both all-female and mixed-gender casts will be considered, but women must be in most/all of the primary roles and women must be featured in most/all of the combat. The moment depicted in the inspirational image must be dramatized/incorporated in the play. Visit the website for more information. Deadline is February 27, 2015.

Online submissions now being accepted for 2015 Met Life Nuestras Voces National Playwriting Competition. Full length Latino stage plays (In Spanish or English or both!) Playwrights may be Latino or of any other ethnic or racial background as long as the play's subject matter and characters resonate with Latino audiences and accurately depict the Hispanic experience. Guidelines: repertorio.org/opportunities. Deadline: Monday, June 1, 2015.
Saving Endangered Species Playwriting Competition is seeking 10-minute plays where writers will chose one or more endangered species as listed with CITES, World Wildlife Fund, or other organizations that provide a listing. Eight to ten plays will be chosen for a stage reading at a California theatre. Complete guidelines and info about endangered species at sesprize.com. Deadline is November 30, 2015.

WOMEN at WORK onstage

Silhoutte of women on stage
Through February 7: The world premiere REVIVAL, written and directed by Carla Neuss.
Crispin's bar hosts a panoply of characters—burnt-out pastor, Fred; the master storyteller and cocktail connoisseur, Tyler; and Jo, a jaded college student-turned-escort. While Crispin helps these patrons escape the mundane aspects of their lives through transformative drinks, he is secretly searching for a long-lost liqueur that he hopes will bring about his own transformation. Presented by Lucid Dramatics at the Acting Artists Theatre in West Hollywood. Visit luciddramatics.com for details.

Through March 1 at The Theatre @ Boston Court: THE MISSING PAGES OF LEWIS CARROL by Lily Blau, developed in collaboration with Sydney Gallas and directed by Abigail Deser.
The beloved British writer Lewis Carroll kept a detailed journal of his life, including his close relationship with young Alice Liddell, the 11-year-old muse who inspired Alice in Wonderland. Upon Carroll's death it was discovered that several pages of his otherwise immaculate journal had been torn out. Now after more than a century of swirling rumors, this play takes us down the rabbit hole to explore these missing pages and what might have occurred between the legendary storyteller and the young girl who inspired one of the most famous stories ever written. Visit bostoncourt.com for more information.


Are you interested in directing a short play for our SWAN Day Action Fest? Can you cast and corral actors day-of for Micro-Reads? Do you want to help read plays? (It's a blind submission process, curated by Free Association Theatre - and YES you can read plays and submit a play!) Would you like to help out in any other way for this FAB event on Sat March 28?  City Garage in Santa Monica's Bergamot Station is hosting and it looks to be an incredible afternoon. Email lafpi.updates@gmail.com ASAP!

One Axe's first General Meeting and Mixer takes place on February 19 at the Women's Center for Creative Work space. One Axe is a group of producers, writers, actors, and directors actively raising the profile of women creators by producing a quarterly live showcase of short plays and films-on-stage by emerging and established female-identifying artists.  For more information visit their Facebook event page.

"Where there is a woman there is magic. If there is a moon falling from her mouth, she is a woman who knows her magic, who can share or not share her powers. A woman with a moon falling from her mouth, roses between her legs and tiaras of Spanish moss, this woman is a consort of the spirits."
― Ntozake Shange

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsOct24

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS Submissions are now open for the 2025 Women in the Arts and Media Coalition Collaboration Awards  Playwrights, Sc...