
The Pekoe Group's November List

The Pekoe Group
Tail! Spin! hit the streets on Election Day to lobby for laughs among the people of this great city. While the polls have long since closed, there is still one very important issue up for debate: which dirty politician are you most like? Take the quiz to find out!
Let's be real: regular heels are uncomfortable, let alone a pair made of glass, and nobody whistles while they scrub the floor. Snow White and her princess posse are kicking these tales-as-old-as-time back to the magic kingdom they came from in the hilarious new musical comedy DISENCHANTED! Performances begin November 26: get your tickets today!
We guarantee that after you see the members of Tziporela Theatre Company perform in their sketch comedy show Odd Birdz, you'll want to be just like them. This month the troupe shared some of their secrets with the regular birds of NYC by doing workshops around the city.
The League of Professional Theatre Women has gone international! Women aren't just making a difference in theatre locally; they are impacting the arts all over the world. To honor these ladies from around the globe, the LPTW awarded Patricia Ariza from Colombia, South America with the Gilder/Coigney International Theatre Award and celebrated the work of 20 other nominees from 18 additional countries as a part of their International Awards Week.
How great is Thanksgiving? It's the day where eating too much is encouraged, watching the greatest parade of all time is a given, and tossing around a football (whether or not you've ever touched one before) just feels right. Whatever your holiday traditions, we hope you have many things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

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