
Crossing the Line 2014 Jessica Mitrani

Fri & Sat, Oct 10 & 11

Colombian-born, New York-based visual artist Jessica Mitrani conjures the daring spirit of Nellie Bly, the 19th-century American journalist who circled the globe in 72 days carrying little more than the clothes on her back.

Spanish actress Rossy de Palma—best known as Pedro Almodóvar's muse—plays many roles in this multimedia adventure that explores and explodes feminine archetypes and stereotypes.
Buy Tickets

Tickets also available at:
1 800 982 2787
FIAF Box Office

Florence Gould Hall
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY, 10022
French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)
Co-presented with the Hermès Foundation's (Fondation d'entreprise Hermès) New Settings Program

Presenting Sponsor
Lead Sponsors
Air France
Florence Gould Hall
J C Decaux
Special Thanks: The Enoch Foundation; FUSED: French U.S. Exchange in Dance, a program of the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Dance Project; Hermès Foundation's (Fondation d'entreprise Hermès); Institut Francais; The National Endowment for the Arts; New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; New York State Council on the Arts; and Robert de Rothschild

Producer's Circle: Ron Guttman, Tom McCarthy & Violaine Huisman, Agathe Lerolle, Elizabeth Krief Manardo, Virginia A Millhiser, Marie Nugent-Head, Barbara & Henry Pillsbury, Antoine Roset-Ligne Roset, and Elisabeth Wilmers.

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