
Film/Video Funding News – June 2014 from Women in the Arts & Media Coalition and WomenArts

Women in the Arts & Media Coalition

and WomenArts
Film/Video Funding News –
June 2014

Film Festivals/Calls For Entry
Ongoing Festivals/Calls for Entry
Funding Opportunities
Other Resources

Film Festivals/Calls for Entry
Gender Reel (September 19-20, 2014, Durham, NC, October 19, 2014, Omaha, NE, October 3-4, 2014, Long Beach, CA, October 4-5, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, October 19-20, 2014, Minneapolis, MN) – Seeking submission of film, video, and media art works that reflect the mission of providing visibility to the experiences of gender non-conforming, gender variant and transgender people. For complete guidelines and application, see website; you must download the application forms and submit supporting materials either digitally or by postal mail. Gender Reel, 1750 Englewood Ave., St. Paul, MN 55014, genderreelfest@gmail.com, http://genderreelfest.com/. Deadline: June 20, 2014

**Portland Oregon Women’s Film Festival** (March 12-15, 2015, Portland, OR) – Places a spotlight on women filmmakers by showcasing their work and strengthening the community of women in film. Entries must be directed or co-directed by a woman. Seeking films in the following categories: Narrative Feature (over 40 minutes), Documentary Feature (over 40 minutes), Young Women Filmmakers (directed or co-directed by women 17 years and younger; proof of age must be submitted with entry), Experimental Short (under 40 minutes), Animation (under 40 minutes), Narrative Short (under 40 minutes), and Documentary Short (under 40 minutes). FEE: $0-$45. Portland Oregon Women’s Film Festival, 1526 NE Alberta St. #110, Portland, OR 97211, T: (503) 729-1142, powfest@sourappleproductions.com, http://www.powfest.com. Deadline: June 20, 2014 (early), August 15, 2014 (regular), September 4, 2014 (late), September 19, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**The Broad Humor Film Festival** (September 5-7, 2014, Venice, CA) – Features funny films written and directed by women. Entries must either be written or directed by a woman, and the subject matter must include “a healthy dose of humor.” Seeking entries in the following categories: Feature Narrative and Documentary (over 60 minutes), Short Narrative and Documentary (under 60 minutes), Feature Screenplay (75-115 pages; all writers must be women), and Short Screenplay (under 35 pages; all writers must be women). FEE: $30-$60. The Broad Humor Film Festival, 9854 National Blvd., # 166, Los Angeles, CA 90034, T: (310) 403-2882, info@broadhumor.com, http://www.broadhumor.com. Deadline: June 20, 2014 (late), June 27, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival and Lecture Series** (October 25-26, 2014, New York, NY) – Organized by African Voices and Long Island University’s Media Arts Dept., Brooklyn Campus, the 3-day festival is dedicated to providing opportunities for women of color filmmakers to advance their careers in the film industry. Entries must be directed, produced, or written by a woman or women of color, and will be accepted in the following categories: Women Film, Documentary, Narrative, Experimental, African Film, and India Film.FEE: $20-$30. Reel Sisters, c/o African Voices, 270 W. 96th St., New York, NY 10025, T: (347) 534-3304, FAX: (212) 316-3335, coordinator@reelsisters.org, http://www.reelsisters.org.Deadline: June 9, 2014 (regular), June 20, 2014 (late)

**La Femme Film Festival** (October 16-19, 2014, Beverly Hills, CA) – Supports and nurtures the artistic entertainment productions of women for the benefit of an international and domestic audience. This multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and sexually diverse festival is devoted to women in key positions of film productions. Seeking films directed, produced or written by women in the following categories: Feature, Documentary, Screenplay, Short, Commercial/Music Video, Mid-Length (40-60 minutes), Mobisode, Webisode, Game, Animation Short, and Animation Feature, Special Documentary of Focus. FEE: $30-$115. La Femme Film Festival, 369 South Doheny Dr. #212, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, T: (310) 441-1645, FAX: (310) 475-8213,llapage@lafemme.org, http://lafemme.org. Deadline: June 15, 2014 (regular), July 16, 2014 (late), August 16, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com), August 23, 2014 (I Forgot)

Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival (October 2-4, 2014, Utica, NY) – Seeking films that address human rights violations so they remain unspoken no longer for a human rights forum that combines film, art, music, and a conference into one festival. They are interested in films that expose human rights violations and that offer solutions and hope for the future. Seeking entries in the following categories: Documentary Feature (50 minutes or longer), Narrative Feature (50 minutes or longer), Documentary Short (under 50 minutes), and Narrative Short (under 50 minutes). FEE: $20-$55. Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival, 309 Genesee St. (use Park Ave. entrance), Utica, NY 13502, T: (315) 520-8410, info@ilionfilmcompany.com, www.IamUnspoken.com. Deadline: June 1, 2014 (late), July 1, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Mill Valley Film Festival (October 2-12, 2014, San Rafael, CA) – High-profile, prestigious, non-competitive environment celebrating the best independent and world cinema. Seeking entries of three lengths: Short (30 minutes and under), Mid-Length (31-49 minutes), and Feature (50 minutes or longer) in the following categories: Narrative (Official Premiere Selection, World Cinema , US Cinema, 5@5), Documentary, Children/Family, Animation, Experimental, and Youth Produced (made by filmmakers age 18 and younger; 15 minutes or shorter). FEE: $10-$75. Mill Valley Film Festival, 1001 Lootens Place, Ste. 220, San Rafael, CA 94901, T: (415) 526-5839, FAX: (415) 383-8606, mvff@cafilm.org, http://www.mvff.com. Deadline: June 13, 2014 (late), June 28, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Long Beach Q Film Festival (September 12-14, 2014, Long Beach, CA) – Seeking films that embody the LGBTQ community and the values of freedom, justice, and inclusion of everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Seeking films with LGBTQ themes, depicting LGBTQ characters and community, in the following categories: Documentary Feature (50 minutes or longer), Short (under 50 minutes), and Feature (50 minutes or longer).FEE: $15-$20. Long Beach Q Festival, 2017 E. 4th St., Long Beach, CA 90814, T: (562) 434-4455,holly@hollylight.com, http://www.qfilmslongbeach.com/. Deadline: June 8, 2014

Dallas VideoFest (October 9-19, 2014, Dallas, TX) – Oldest and largest video festival in the U.S., aims to promote an understanding of video as a creative medium and cultural force. Seeking videos in the following categories: Documentary Short (25 minutes or under), Documentary Feature (over 25 minutes), Experimental Short (25 minutes or under), Experimental Feature (over 25 minutes), Narrative Short (25 minutes or under), Narrative Feature (over 25 minutes), and Texas Show (under 20 minutes; made by Texas residents). FEE: $30-$55. Dallas VideoFest, 1405 Woodlawn, Dallas, TX 75208, info@videofest.org, www.videofest.org. Deadline: June 1, 2014 (regular), August 1, 2014 (late)

POV Call for Entries – Public television’s premier showcase for independent nonfiction film and video seeks programs from all perspectives to showcase in its annual national PBS series. All subjects, styles and length are welcome. Seeking nonfiction films with a dedication to craft, contemporary relevance, and a viewpoint that enriches, enlarges, and challenges our experience of the world. Works must be independent and must not have been broadcast nationally; filmmakers from anywhere in the world may submit. Submitted work should be complete or near completion. Submissions must be made online through website. See website for complete guidelines. NO FEE. http://www.pbs.org/pov/filmmakers/submit-your-film.php. Receipt Deadline: June 30, 2014

The Great Gay Screenplay Contest – Aims to foster excellence in screenwriting that features GLBT characters, history, or themes important to the gay community and relevant to our world. Five finalists will receive cash prizes and their scripts will be performed as staged readings during the Great Gay Screenplay Finale in Chicago. Multiple entries accepted. Submit via their website. FEE: $45. pridefilm@gmail.com, http://www.pridefilmsandplays.com/screenplaysubmissions.html. Deadline: June 30, 2014

The Palm Springs Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (September 18-21, 2014, Palm Springs, CA) – Seeking Feature and Short films of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgendered people for a celebration of motion pictures that reflect, inform, enrich, and transform lives. FEE: $30-$45. Palm Springs Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, 555 East San Lorenzo Rd., Palm Springs, CA 92264, T: (760) 880-4921, FAX: (760) 322-0784, michaelcgreen@earthlink.net, http://cinemadiverse.org. Deadline: June 15, 2014 (regular), July 20, 2014 (late), August 5, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Ongoing Festivals/Calls For Entry

*Opportunities in red are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred and in red are for women only.

Funding Opportunities
National Endowment for the Humanities Bridging Cultures Through Film: International Topics – Supports documentary films that examine international and transnational themes in the humanities. These projects are meant to spark Americans’ engagement with the broader world by exploring one or more countries and cultures outside of the United States. Proposed documentaries must be analytical and deeply grounded in humanities scholarship. The Division of Public Programs encourages the exploration of innovative nonfiction storytelling that presents multiple points of view in creative formats. The proposed film should range in length from a standard broadcast length of thirty minutes to a feature-length documentary. They welcome a wide range of approaches to international and transnational topics and themes, such as examinations of critical issues in ethics, religion, or history; explorations of topics that cross national borders; explorations of histories and cultures of specific regions, countries, or communities outside the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Public Programs, 110 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20506, T: (202) 606-8269, publicpgms@neh.gov, http://www.neh.gov/grants/public/bridging-cultures-through-film-international-topics. Receipt Deadline: June 11, 2014

Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants – Supports and assists artists at various stages in their careers with grants of $2,000-$10,000 to encourage creative development and career building opportunities. Open to artists in all disciplines who reside in Minnesota. For full guidelines and application, see website. Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grants, Park Square Court, Ste. 200, 400 Sibley St., Saint Paul, MN, Kathee Foran, Program Officer, T: (651) 215-1626, Kathee.Foran@arts.state.mn.us, http://www.arts.state.mn.us/grants/artist-initiative.htm. Deadline: June 13, 2014 (literary arts), July 11, 2014 (performance arts), August 1, 2014 (visual and media arts)

Roy W. Dean Summer Grant – Seeking films that are unique and make a contribution to society, documentaries, shorts, and features are all considered.  The winner receives $2,000 cash and close to $30,000 in film goods and services to help complete your project.  Each applicant for the grant receives a consultation from Carole Dean, founder of the grant, head of the non-profit film fiscal sponsor From The Heart Productions, and author of the Second Edition of the bestselling- book, “The Art of Film Funding”. For more information and the application, www.fromtheheartproductions.com.  Deadline: June 30, 2014

**New York Women in Film and Television In-Kind Post Production Grants** – Grants of in-kind post production services to films directed and produced by New York area-based women filmmakers. Grants for an on-line session and/or a sound mix will be awarded to help complete a work-in-progress. Films may be up to one hour long in any genre, and must have completed principle photography and be at a rough cut or fine cut stage to be eligible. Fill out application form (available on website), and submit along with a 2-4-page description of the project, a project budget (indicating amount raised to date), a list of key creative personnel with one-paragraph bios, and a DVD of the work-in-progress. NOTE: Paperwork may be sent electronically, but DVD’s must be mailed or delivered. New York Women in Film and Television, In-Kind Post Production Grants, 6 East 39th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016, Contact: Easmanie Michel, T: (212) 679-0870 x39, development@nywift.org, www.nywift.org. Receipt Deadline: June 9, 2014

**Loreen Arbus Disability Awareness Grant** - Film completion grant of $7,500 to a woman filmmaker for a film on physical or developmental disability issues. Director and producers are eligible to apply. Films may be of any length or genre, and must be works-in-progress that have completed principle photography. Filmmakers must be U.S.-based. Submit application form (available on website), 2-page description of project and project budget (indicating amount raised to date), list of key creative personnel with one-paragraph bios, and a DVD of the work-in-progress. NOTE: Paperwork may be sent electronically, but DVD’s must be mailed or delivered. New York Women in Film and Television, Nancy Malone Directing Award, 6 East 39th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016, Contact: Easmanie Michel, T: (212) 679-0870 x39, development@nywift.org, www.nywift.org. Receipt Deadline: June 6, 2014

**Women in Film Finishing Fund** – Provides cash awards ranging from $1,000-$15,000, as well as in-kind services, for the completion of films by, for or about women. Open to short and long formats in all genres, including narrative, documentary, educational, animated and experimental. Principle photography and rough cut must be completed by time of application. Applications accepted from filmmakers around the world (men may apply, as long as their work is about or for women). Student projects ineligible. See website for complete guidelines and application. FEE: $50-$100 (depending on whether applicant is a WIF member and when she applies). Women In Film Foundation, Film Finishing Fund, Los Angeles Office, 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 710, Los Angeles, CA 90048, T: (323) 935-2211, foundation@wif.org, http://www.wif.org/foundation/film-finishing-fund. Receipt Deadline: June 6, 2014 (final)

Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award – Unrestricted award of $25,000 to 2 Washington State generative artists in any discipline who are originating new work, experimenting with new ideas, taking risks and pushing the boundaries in their respective fields. The award recognizes artists who demonstrate innovation in their art practice. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older by application date, have a minimum of 5 years in professional art practice, and be a resident of Washington State at time of application and when the award is granted. Students ineligible. A letter of recommendation is required. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award, 1835 12th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122, T: (206) 467-8734, FAX: (206) 467-9633, info@artisttrust.org, http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/money#arts_innovator_awards. Deadline: June 23, 2014

Independent Television Service (ITVS) Open Call – Providing finishing funds for single public TV programs from independent U.S. producers on any subject, from any viewpoint, in any genre except fiction. Awards usually range from $150,000-$350,000. Projects must have begun production as evidenced by a work-in-progress tape, and must be possible to complete within 1 year of contract. No maximum or minimum cut-off for funding amount, but Open Call funds must be the last needed for completion of project. As of this year, applications must be submitted online through website. Contact: Jonathan Archer, Independent Television Service (ITVS), 651 Brannan Street, Suite 410, San Francisco, CA 94110, T: (415) 356-8383 ext. 259, FAX: (415) 356-8391, opencall@itvs.org, http://www.itvs.org/funding/open-call/how. Receipt Deadline: June 30, 2014

**Zion’s Bank Smart Women Grants** – Grants up to $3,000 to female residents of Utah or Idaho to support “the efforts of everyday heroines who strengthen women, children, and their communities.” Grants are awarded in 5 categories, including arts and culture. Submit application form (available on website), mission statement (how your application relates to the mission of the program), statement of purpose (clearly describe the focus, goals, and general direction of work or project, including artistic objectives), detailed description of project (including an explanation of how the grant will advance development of your work), proposed use of grant funds, plan for measuring performance and results, financial data and need (including list of other sources of funding), and supporting documents and work samples. See website for application form and complete guidelines. Smart Women Grants, Zion’s Bank – Women’s Financial Group, One South Main, 11th Floor, Salt Lake City, Utah 84133, T: (801) 844-7996, womensfinancial@zionsbank.com, https://www.zionsbank.com/swsm_grant.jsp?cid=2376. Deadline: July 7, 2014

American Institute of Indian Studies Senior Performing and Creative Arts Fellowships– Provides funding to accomplished American practitioners of the arts to travel to India to enhance their skills, develop their capabilities to teach or perform in the U.S., enhance American involvement with India’s artistic traditions, or strengthen their ties with peers in India. Fellowships are usually 4 months, but proposals for periods up to 9 months will be considered. See website for complete guidelines and application packet. FEE: $25. American Institute of Indian Studies, 1130 East 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637, T: (773) 702-8638, aiis@uchicago.edu, http://www.indiastudies.org/research-fellowship-programs/categories-of-fellowship/. Deadline: July 1, 2014

Fleishhacker Foundation Small Arts Grants for Bay Area Arts Organizations – Grants of up to $10,000 in support of programs in a range of disciplines, including dance, film and media arts, interdisciplinary arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. Grants may be used for artists’ fees, production costs, exhibition/installation costs, and projects that advance the organization’s overall artistic development. Open to organizations with annual budgets between $100,000 and $750,000 that are based in and offer programming in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Download application from website and submit via postal mail. Fleishhacker Foundation, PO Box 29918, San Francisco, CA 94129-0918, T: (415) 561-5350, www.fleishhackerfoundation.org/grants/small-arts-grants/. Deadline: July 15, 2014


NOTE: Visit WomenArts' Residencies With Ongoing Deadlines page for more opportunities.

Santa Fe Art Institute (1-3 months, year-round, Santa Fe, NM) – Residencies between 1-3 months for creative artists in all fields, including film and media artists, performing artists, and writers. Organization provides: housing and studios, including access to the College of Santa Fe’s performance and moving-image arts facilities and the Institute’s digital media lab and exhibition/installment space. Residents are encouraged to participate in the Institute’s outreach program, including public presentations of work, workshops, and individual critiques with students in the community. Residents are responsible for residency fee ($1,000 per month), refundable key deposit ($150), meals, travel, and materials. Most artists receive financial support from the Institute. See website for application. FEE: $35. Artist and Writer Residencies, PO Box 24044, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 87502, Contact: Katie Avery, Residency Director, T: (505) 424-5050, FAX: (505) 424-5050, kavery@sfai.org, www.sfai.org. Deadline: July 5, 2014

Vermont Studio Center (2-12 week residencies, year-round, Johnson, VT) – 4-12 week residencies for writers (including screenwriters) and visual artists (not open to performance artists or filmmakers). Organization provides housing, meals, and studios. Resident responsible for residency fee ($3,500 per), and travel. Full and partial fellowships, as well as work-exchange fellowships, are available to offset residency costs; some fellowships include travel reimbursement and materials stipend. See website for application and information about fellowships. FEE: $25. Vermont Studio Center, PO Box 613, Johnson, VT 05656, T: (802) 635-2727, FAX: (802) 635-2730, info@vermontstudiocenter.org, www.vermontstudiocenter.org. Receipt Deadline: June 15, 2014

Weir Farm Trust (November-April, Wilton, CT) – Residencies of 2-4 weeks for film, video, and multimedia artists (in addition to visual artists of all types). Organization provides housing, studio, and stipend ($500 per month). Residents are responsible for deposit ($75, refunded on artist’s arrival), food, travel, and materials. Application available on website. FEE: $35. Weir Farm Trust, 735 Nod Hill Rd., Wilton, CT 06897, T: (203) 761-9945, FAX: (203) 761-9116, residency@weirfarmartcenter.org, www.nps.gov/wefa. Deadline: July 15, 2014

Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989, http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle. Deadline: Ongoing

The Mesa Refuge (Fall, 2014, Point Reyes, CA) – Supports creative writing on the natural world. Open to writers of all disciplines whose work addresses the environment, the economy, and related social issues. Residents are invited to think and write about the intersections between human activity – capitalism in particular – and the natural world we are obliged to preserve. Residency provides housing and most dinners; artist responsible for travel and other meals. Application must be completed partially by e-mail and partially by regular mail; see website for complete guidelines. NOTE: No phone calls. FEE: $25. The Mesa Refuge, Attn: Juliet Kirkham, PO Box 3286, Berkeley, CA 94703, mesarefuge@gmail.com, http://www.mesarefuge.org/index.php/residencyguidelines. Deadline: June 2, 2014

Headlands Center for the Arts Residency (4-10-week residencies, 2015, Fort Barry, Marin Headlands, CA) – Open to artists working in all media (visual, literary, performance, film and video, audio, music, digital media, and interdisciplinary art), with the goal of providing a supportive working environment for experimentation, reflection, and growth. All residencies are fully sponsored, and some stipends of $500 per month are available (artists may apply for stipend when applying for residency; availability of stipends depends on funding and sponsorship secured each year). Offers both live-in and live-out residencies. Live-in artists are provided with a studio, shared housing, and 5 meals a week. Live-out artists are provided with a studio and dinner twice a week. See website for complete guidelines and application. NOTE: Online applications (through website) strongly encouraged. FEE: $45. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA 94965, T: (415) 331-2787 ext. 24, hblake@headlands.org, http://www.headlands.org/program/air/. Deadline: June 6, 2014

Caldera Artist Residency (January-March, 2015, Sisters, OR) – Residences of between 2-4 weeks (average) open to playwrights, actors, and directors, as well as all other types of writers and performers. Caldera provides housing and studio; artist must pay for travel, food, and materials. Artists who stay longer than 2 weeks are encouraged to engage in outreach activities, such as workshops, with the local community. Submit Application form (available on website), one-page project description, resume or CV, two letters of reference, and work sample (see website for sample guidelines). NOTE: Applications accepted online (see website) or by postal mail. FEE: $35. Caldera, Artists in Residence Program, 31500 Blue Lake Dr., Sisters, OR 97759, Elizabeth Quinn, Artist In Residence Manager, T: (503) 937-7594, FAX: (503) 937-8594, elizabeth.quinn@calderasarts.org, www.calderaarts.org. Deadline: June 15, 2014

Other Resources

NOTE: For more resources, visit WomenArts' Funding Resources pages.

Additional Opportunity for Screenwriters
UCLA Student Searching for Plays - Searching for a short 5-20 page play or screenplay to adapt and produce into short films this Summer, in preparation for a senior thesis for a UCLA student. Ideally she is looking for scripts that can be shot in the Los Angeles area and on a smaller budget. No immediate compensation will be made for the script, however if your script is selected, there will be coordination for such if the movie makes money down the line.  You will receive an imdb credit as the original writer/creator, and an individual slide on the final film credit reel, as well as a copy of the film.  If you are interested, please send samples of 3-4 pages as well as a full synopsis to Nerris121@yahoo.com.

WOMENARTS FUNDING LISTS - WomenArts maintains annotated lists of funders
categorized by art form in the Funding Resources section of our website at:
NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most
comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for
artists in the NYFA Source section of their website at:
WITHOUTABOX - Film/Video artists can check Withoutabox at http://www.withoutabox.com for a more comprehensive list of general-interest
film festivals.

Follow this link to the Theatre Funding Newsletter
on the website of our member organization, the

Follow this link to our affiliate member organization WomenArts 
who originally created the Film/Video and Theatre Funding Newsletters and
who list many ongoing Funding Opportunities.

Follow this link to Submit a Listing for the Funding Newsletters.

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