
From Works by Women: Clubbed Thumb's Summer Works Festival and More

May 27, 2014





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Our website is updated frequently. See our listing of qualifying productions. Visit often and be sure to tell friends and colleagues about Works by Women!

If your production (no readings, free events) has a creative team (writers, directors, designers) of at least 50% women and has a run of at least two weeks in a New York City venue, we would love to include it and maybe even bring our group to see it! 

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Works by Women logo new


  • FEATUREDClubbed Thumb's 19th Annual Summerworks Festival
  • Check out our new MEMBER CORNER!

Friday, June 13 at 7:00PM: When January Feels Like Summer

JanuaryPostcardPress 2
Ensemble Studio Theatre
549 W. 52nd Street
RSVPs close June 5, 12PM

Presided over by the Hindu god Ganesh, a pair of teenagers become unexpected heroes, an immigrant accountant struggles with visibility, and two stifled romantics begin to stumble toward each other during one strangely warm winter in Central Harlem. When January Feels Like Summer follows five colliding lives as a feeling of change hums in the air and the many flavors of desire saturate the streets and subways and bodegas of the city. These characters learn to do more than meet their obstacles head-on -- they discover how to transcend them.


Clubbed Thumb's 19th Annual Summerworks Festival

SW14 Cover Image
at The Wild Project (195 E 3rd St., between Ave A & B)
May 30 - July 5

Featuring three brand new plays by women:

written & directed by Jenny Schwartz
May 30 - June 8

I'm Pretty Fucked Up
by Ariel Stess
directed by Kip Fagan
June 13 - June 22

16 Words or Less
by Peggy Stafford
directed by Portia Krieger
June 26 - July 5

Tickets and info at www.clubbedthumb.org 


Only Works by Women members who are subscribed to this mailing list have access to these exclusive benefits! 



In celebration of The 68th Annual Tony Awards, headshot clients will receive a 68% discount. This is an exclusive Xanthe Elbrick Photography offer* valid until until June 9th.

*Session must be scheduled by June 9 for any date up to and including Aug 30 2013. Additional $75 security deposit required to hold session time. 
Makeup/hair, touch-up fees not included.

Email xelbrickphotography@gmail.com to book!


"The New York Times posed this question on April 29 when the Tony nominations were announced. It's a problem that's getting long in the tooth; for years we've known that over 60 percent of the ticket buyers and "butts in seats" are women, and yet less than 20 percent of the stories staged are written, directed or designed by them. Hmm...."


In the MEMBER CORNER, members of Works by Women can share productions they are working on which feature many women artists, but either have a run of less than 2 weeks or do not meet the 50/50 writer, director, design team Works by Women requires. If you would like your project to be included please email info@worksbywomen.org with the subject "Member Corner and Title of Your Show"

Thanksgiving by Amy Hargreaves and directed by WBW Member Alexa Kelly!

10170813_446273828850718_1404518256103803257_n 2FAB--a group of women playwrights writing plays FOR AND ABOU T WOMEN. Directed by women, and featuring women in them.

Thanksgiving features 4 women. It is about 2 women who are involved with the same man, their confrontation, and surprise at the story that unfolds. The mothers of the 2 women are also featured as a more expansive view of women's roles in the past.

We have the power to effect change. Share our initiative by forwarding this email to your friends (use the link below or simply forward from your mail client). Share our social media pages and support shows that support women theatre artists!


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