
From New Perspectives Theatre Company: NEW YEAR--NEW PLAYS!

Sent by: New Perspectives Theatre Company
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February 4, 2014
We need DONATIONS to support the fabulous work by women we are producing in the next seven months!
On Her Shoulders begins second season!
Women's Work Abounds this Spring and Summer!
On Her Shoulders begins second season!
Click on the SHOULDERS to make an INSTANT DONATION to support this series of readings of plays by women from the past!
Click on the SHOULDERS to make an INSTANT DONATION to support this series of readings of plays by women from the past!
On Her Shoulders, our program in association with the New School for Drama, begins its second season with a staged reading of A Fool of Fortune by Martha Morton on Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Admission is FREE to the public!

A Fool of Fortune is an 1896 Wall Street melodrama that still resonates today as we are challenged with another "Gilded Age". Morton focuses on two “national follies” popularly skewered on the stage: the reckless pursuit of wealth by speculation and the hunt for titled bridegrooms. The play is directed by Melody Brooks; dramaturg Sherry Engle delivers The Play in Context, introducing the script in its historical time and place at the top of the evening. She is joined by a unique guest—Ms. Martha Morton herself (in the person of Karen Eterovich)!

Doors open at 6:30pm; The Play In Context begins at 6:45pm and the reading starts at 7:00pm. The performance is at the New School, 66 12th Street (Auditorium formally called Tishman). R.S.V.P to OnHerShouldersReservations@gmail.com
SAVE THE DATE! The next OHS reading will be CONVENT OF PLEASURE by Margaret Cavendish, directed by Elyse Singer on Friday, March 28th! Keep an eye out for location and time!

For a complete list of plays presented to date by On Her Shoulders, please visit our webiste at http://onhershoulders.weebly.com/index.html
Women's Work Abounds this Spring and Summer!
Click on the Women's Work Sculpture to make an INSTANT donation!
Click on the Women's Work Sculpture to make an INSTANT donation!
The next few months at NPTC are jam-packed with activity BUT we need your help! CLICK ON THE SCULPTURE TO THE RIGHT TO MAKE AN INSTANT DONATION!
Even as On Her Shoulders begins a second seaon, NPTC's Women's Work Project will meet with a new group of writers on February 16 to begin the 2014 Short Play LAB. Applications are under review and 4-6 writers will be selected next week to come and create a 15-30 minute play from scratch, written to an assigned theme, that will be put on its feet the first week of August.
In the meantime, the WW Full-length LAB continues apace with 6 scripts ready for a next step! This past fall were were invited to submit a proposal for the prestigious MAP Fund for Tunnel Vision by Andrea Lepcio, a play that we've workshopped twice now and which has an innovative and amazing set concept. Marla and Her Prayers by Kim Merrill will receive an OFF THE PAGE workshop production April 2-6, 2014—and we are very excited to get this play on its feet! We have just had an in-house reading of CHRONIC by Michele Miller, about our broken health and healthcare system; we will read My Mother Flew B17s by Marissa Petsakos during the February LAB and Dancing on Eggshells by Cynthia Robinson in April. Sandra Daley-Sharif will be our featured VOICES FROM THE EDGE Artist in May, with a workshop production of Straddling the Edge.
These projects include dozens of artists—actors, directors, designers—who give an amazing amount of love, sweat and tears—and get small stipends and our everlasting gratitude.

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