
Be Part of WEA Week of Action - Equal Pay & Video




November 11 to November 15 - WEC CAMPAIGN

As part of the new Women's Equality Coalition "Upgrade New York" campaign, this week we are focusing on one of the Women's Equality Agenda provisions, Equal Pay, and the release of our new look and fabulous video.
We are asking you to:
  1. Join our TWITTER POWER LUNCH - 12 to 1 pm - Any day next week
  2. Post on Facebook.
  3. Share the new VIDEO WEC VIDEO and PETITION with your networks
 How? Visit WEC social media pages & from your organization's account, retweet & share posts.  @NY4Women for retweets & www.facebook.com/NYWomensEquality for shares.

Pick a Day and TWEET at NOON!
All week we will use the equal pay theme, focusing on different groups of women. The WEC Social Media team will post & tweet each day, with an Equal Pay Coalition NYC member taking the lead: 
  • MONDAY, NOV. 11 - Focus on WOMEN VETS - led by @AAUWNY - Click for tweets and info   
  • TUESDAY, NOV. 12 - Focus on WOMEN OF COLOR - led by @NOW_NYC
  • WEDNESDAY, NOV 13 -MOMMY PENALTY / OLDER WOMEN - led by @ABetterBalance and @LWVNYS
  • THURSDAY, NOV 14 - Focus on YOUNG WOMEN - led @AAUWNY
  • FRIDAY, NOV 15 - Focus on WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP and NON TRADITIONAL JOBS - led by @EqualPayNY and @WomensCityClubNY and @LegalMomentum 
Thanks to all the EPCNYC members for making this week successful!

Social Media Links:  WEBSITE: www.nywomensequality.org  PETITION:http://chn.ge/1gMx5u6   NEW VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/IllegalorSleazy 

Equal Pay Sample Tweets:
·        @NY4Women Video http://tinyurl.com/IllegalorSleazy is no joke! Talking abt your salary can get u fired! #UpgradeNY Petition: http://chn.ge/1gMx5u6  

·        $8500 wages lost 4 average NY women due to pay gap. That's a lot of groceries! #UpgradeNY laws! @NY4Women PETITION: http://chn.ge/1gMx5u6 

·        @(name of a legislator) Wage gap costs NY $22BILLION yearly #UpgradeNY laws for equal pay! @NY4Women Video: http://tinyurl.com/IllegalorSleazy 

·        63% NY working moms r breadwinners. We need equal pay. #UpgradeNY laws! @NY4Women PETITION http://chn.ge/1gMx5u6 

WEC Sample Tweets and Posts:
·        To tweet: #WEAreStrong & our laws should be just as strong. It's time to #UpgradeNY w/ Women's Equality Agenda! @NY4Womenhttp://youtu.be/zqXnqtIjKjQ 

·        To post on facebook:  The Women's Equality Agenda would help the 10 million women of New York and their families by simply updating our laws to reflect the reality of women's lives in the year 2013. LIKE if you agree it's time for an #UpgradeNY  http://youtu.be/zqXnqtIjKjQ 

WEA Equal Pay provision, in brief: More info each day at www.equalpaynewyork.org 
Our equal pay laws were signed 50 years ago. It is time for an upgrade! To secure equal pay, we need stronger laws, which Gov. Cuomo's equal pay plank of WEA will provide.  The new law would (a) protect workers if they talk about their salaries by outlawing wage secrecy policies, (b) close a loophole in New York's equal pay law that allows employers to justify paying female employees less, and (c) discourage discrimination by increasing damages available to employees.

Questions? Contact Beverly Neufeld, Equal Pay Coalition NYC, bcneufeld@gmail.com

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