
WomenArts Theatre Funding Newsletter June 2013

WomenArts Theatre Funding News – 

June 2013

Playwright Festivals/Calls For Entry
Warner Theatre International Playwrights’ Festival (Torrington, CT) – Seeking one-act plays between 12-40 pages long. Scripts must be written in English and submitted electronically in standard Samuel French playwriting format. Do not include any playwright identification on script; in body of e-mail include script title and playwright’s name and contact information. No synopses or resumes. One submission per playwright. NO FEE. Warner Theatre, 68 Main St., Torrington, CT 06790, T: (860) 489-7180, Charlene Donaghy, charlene@charleneadonaghy.com, http://www.warnertheatre.org/. Receipt Deadline: June 20, 2013
Fred Ebb Award for Musical Theatre – $50,000 award to a composer/lyricist or composer/lyricist team wishing to create work for the musical theatre who has not yet achieved significant commercial success. Winner will receive a one-night showcase of their work. Submit a CD of up to 4 songs from one or more musical theatre pieces, with typed lyrics and a description of the dramatic context for each song, along with a completed application form (available on website). Submit by postal mail. NO FEE. Fred Ebb Award, Roundabout Theatre, 231 West 39th St., Ste. 1200, New York, NY 10018, www.fredebbfoundation.org. Deadline: June 28, 2013
Horse and Cart Playoffs Summer Playwriting Competition (August, 2013, Denver, CO) – Seeking playwrights to participate in a festival generating new material based on weekly writing prompts. Performances showcasing the material will be produced live every Thursday in August, with weekly eliminations, leading to the announcement of a winner. Winner receives $500 cash prize and the opportunity to develop a full-length play for production with Horse and Cart. Interested playwrights should submit 5-10 pages of unpublished, unproduced work that highlights your abilities as a playwright in an e-mail with the subject line “Play-offs Submission.” NO FEE. Horse and Cart, horseandcartcompany@gmail.com, http://horseandcart.co/. Deadline: June 30, 2013
North Park Playwright Festival (October, 2013, San Diego, CA) – Seeking new short plays (15 minutes or shorter) that are easily staged, have casts of 4 or fewer, and have minimal set requirements. Plays should be complete (no excerpts from longer works) and preferably unproduced. Festival directors will choose plays. Any themes and subjects are welcome; the only regulation is no nudity. Include a title page with complete contact information, a character summary, and the script in proper format. Only one submission per playwright. NOTE: No e-mail submissions. NO FEE. North Park Vaudeville and Candy Shoppe, 2031 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92104, Attn. Summer Golden, Artistic Director, www.northparkvaudeville.com. Deadline: June 30, 2013
New Works of Merit Playwriting Contest (New York, NY) – Seeking new plays that: enhance self-realization; support peace and social justice; foster new understanding of minority issues that focus on racial, ethnic and gender discrimination in the U.S. and abroad; empower youth to build healthy inner foundations; educate to gain further insight into healthy social/emotional living; shed new light on religious, spiritual, and cultural differences and issues; build respect for cultural expression and identity in a world that is experiencing rapid globalization; explore the widening gap between the values our country was founded on and the values we present to the world today. Plays should be original full-length (no longer than 2 hours or 100 pages) and one-act plays, including children’s plays. Scripts must be unpublished and unproduced. No musicals, adaptations, collections, or poems. Winning script will receive $300 and a staged reading in Manhattan; 2nd and 3rd place scripts will also receive staged readings in Manhattan. Submit bound script with full contact information on the title page and a brief synopsis (no longer than half a page), character breakdown, time and place, and set requirements bound into the script. Under the synopsis, include a 2-sentence log line. Pages must be numbered. Include a SASP for receipt confirmation with the name of the play on it. FEE: $25. New Works of Merit Playwriting Contest, 511 Avenue of the America #2000, New York, NY 10011-7902, (917) 363-2369, www.NewWorksOfMeritPlaywritingContest.com. Deadline: June 30, 2013
Firehouse Theatre Project Festival of New American Plays (Summer, 2014, Richmond, VA) – Two winners will receive staged readings and prizes of $1,000 and $500. Plays must not have been previously produced. Submit play in standard manuscript form secured with a binder clip; no folders, covers, etc. All author information must be on a title page separate from the body of the manuscript with no reference to the author in the body of the script. Scripts must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a theatre company or an individual familiar with playwright’s work; letters do not need to be specific to the play submitted. NO FEE. Firehouse Theatre Project, Festival of New American Plays, 1609 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23220, http://www.firehousetheatre.org/. Deadline: June 30, 2013
Original Binding Productions Call for Full-Length Plays (2014 Season, New York, NY) – Seeking original scripts of all kinds, but particularly large cast shows with simple set requirements. No scripts requiring child actors. Submit a PDF with the following information via their website: one-page summary of script, ten pages of sample text, a short bio, character breakdown, and history of readings or workshops of the play. NO FEE. Original Binding Productions, http://originalbinding.com/Script.html. Deadline: June 30, 2013
NEWvember New Play Festival (November, 2013, Tivoli, NY) – Seeking new plays that are unproduced and have a run time of 30-120 minutes and a cast size of 2-8. One submission per writer. Chosen playwrights are asked to attend the reading of their play and be present for a Q and A following; accommodation and $50 will be provided for playwrights traveling more than 50 miles. Submit online, via website. Include your play as a PDF, with no identifying information, a separate title page with author name, a 3-line synopsis, and an author bio. NO FEE. NEWvember New Play Festival, http://newvemberfestival.com/submit/. Deadline: June 30, 2013
Bindlestiff Studio Call for Short Scripts from Pilipino/Filipino American Writers (San Francisco, CA) – Seeking short plays for the company’s LOVE Edition show, a collection of short plays about love, heartache and the weirdness in between. This year’s theme is stories about being online. Submit script with author name and contact information via e-mail with “script submission” in the subject line. NO FEE. Bindlestiff Studio, 185 6th St., San Francisco, CA 94103, T: (415) 255-0440, http://www.bindlestiffstudio.org/. Deadline: June 30, 2013
Maxim Mazumdar New Play Competition at Alleyway Theatre (2014 Season, Buffalo, NY) – Seeking unproduced original new plays and musicals in the following categories: Full-length (90 minutes or longer; no more than 10 performers) and One-Act (20 minutes or shorter; no more than 6 performers). Winning full-length play or musical will receive its premiere production at Alleyway Theatre and a $400 prize. Winning one-act will receive its premiere production in the annual Buffalo Quickies one-act celebration and a $100 prize. Submit by postal mail. FEE: $25. Maxim Mazumdar New Play Competition, Literary Manager, Alleyway Theatre, 1 Curtain Up Alley, Buffalo, NY 14202-1911, T: (716) 852-2600, newplays@alleyway.com, http://alleyway.com. Deadline: July 1, 2013
Panndora Productions Panndora’s Box Festival of New Works (Fall, 2013, Long Beach, CA) – Seeking new full-length or long one-act plays for staged readings. Each playwright will receive a critique from a professional theatre critic as well as written audience comments. Five additional plays receive an honorable mention. Up to two submissions per playwright. Submit script via e-mail or postal mail. FEE: $10. Panndora Productions, Sonja Berggren, PO Box 30733, Long Beach, CA 90853, sberggren@me.com. Deadline: July 1, 2013
New Orleans Fringe Festival (November 20-24, 2013, New Orleans, LA) – Seeking weird, wild, fresh and original theatre pieces from emerging artists. Festival lines up venues, generates publicity (including paying for advertising and posters), and pays for venues and tech staff. Seeking any type of theatre performance, including cabaret, comedy, dance, drama, improvisational, magic, multimedia, musical theatre, performance art, puppetry, storytelling, variety, burlesque, spoken word, and street theatre. Shows must be between 30-60 minutes. Shows that will be produced in New Orleans during the 4 months preceding the festival are discouraged. Shows do not need to be completed by the deadline; simply provide a very good description. If your show is selected, you must cover your production and travel costs; you must cast and rehearse the show. Fringe will split box office 50/50 with artists. Download and complete application from website. FEE: $25. New Orleans Fringe Inc., 732 France St., New Orleans, LA 70117, T: (504) 941-3640, alysia@nofringe.org, www.nofringe.orgDeadline: July 2, 2013
Three Leaches Theatre New Play Competition (November 1, 2013, Denver, CO) – Seeking short plays (10 minutes or shorter) in any style or genre. Two winners will be chosen for production, and winning playwrights will each receive a $50 prize and 2 free tickets to see their show. Electronic submissions only; pay submission fee through the donation page on their website. FEE: $5. The Three Leaches Theatre New Play Competition, Melissa@thethreeleaches.com, www.thethreeleaches.com. Deadline: July 4, 2013

Ongoing Festivals/Calls For Entry 
NOTE: There are no new ongoing opportunities this month. For more ongoing opportunities, visit our Ongoing Calls For Plays page.

Funding Opportunities
Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award – Unrestricted award of $25,000 to 2 Washington State generative artists in any discipline who are originating new work, experimenting with new ideas, taking risks and pushing the boundaries in their respective fields. The award recognizes artists who demonstrate innovation in their art practice. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older by application date, have a minimum of 5 years in professional art practice, and be a resident of Washington State at time of application and when the award is granted. Students ineligible. A letter of recommendation is required. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award, 1835 12th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122, T: (206) 467-8734, FAX: (206) 467-9633, info@artisttrust.org, http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/money#arts_innovator_awards. Deadline: June 24, 2013
**Zion’s Bank Smart Women Grants** – Grants up to $3,000 to female residents of Utah or Idaho to support “the efforts of everyday heroines who strengthen women, children, and their communities.” Grants are awarded in 5 categories, including arts and culture. Submit application form (available on website), mission statement (how your application relates to the mission of the program), statement of purpose (clearly describe the focus, goals, and general direction of work or project, including artistic objectives), detailed description of project (including an explanation of how the grant will advance development of your work), proposed use of grant funds, plan for measuring performance and results, financial data and need (including list of other sources of funding), and supporting documents and work samples. See website for application form and complete guidelines. Smart Women Grants, Zion’s Bank – Women’s Financial Group, One South Main, 11th Floor, Salt Lake City, Utah 84133, T: (801) 844-7996, womensfinancial@zionsbank.com, https://www.zionsbank.com/swsm_grant.jsp?cid=2376. Deadline: June 28, 2013
American Institute of Indian Studies Senior Performing and Creative Arts Fellowships – Provides funding to accomplished American practitioners of the arts to travel to India to enhance their skills, develop their capabilities to teach or perform in the U.S., enhance American involvement with India’s artistic traditions, or strengthen their ties with peers in India. Fellowships are usually 4 months, but proposals for periods up to 9 months will be considered. See website for complete guidelines and application packet. FEE: $25. American Institute of Indian Studies, 1130 East 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637, T: (773) 702-8638, aiis@uchicago.edu, http://www.indiastudies.org/research-fellowship-programs/categories-of-fellowship/. Deadline: July 1, 2013
Alliance for California Traditional Arts Living Cultures Grants Program – Funds nonprofit organizations to support exemplary projects in traditional arts in California with grants of up to $7,500 (most grants are $5,000 or under). Projects may include public presentations (community-based concerts, festivals, exhibitions), workshops and gatherings, equipment and materials purchases, youth-focused learning projects in the folk and traditional arts, documentation of traditional arts, media publications, and more. First-time applicants encouraged; Spanish language assistance is also available. See website for complete guidelines and application. Contact: Lily Kharrazi, Living Cultures Grants Program Manager, T: (415) 346-5200, lilyk@actaonline.org, http://www.actaonline.org/content/living-cultures-grants-program. Deadline: July 15, 2013
Fleishhacker Foundation Small Arts Grants for Bay Area Arts Organizations – Grants of up to $10,000 in support of programs in a range of disciplines, including dance, film and media arts, interdisciplinary arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. Grants may be used for artists’ fees, production costs, exhibition/installation costs, and projects that advance the organization’s overall artistic development. Open to organizations with annual budgets between $100,000 and $750,000 that are based in and offer programming in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Download application from website and submit via postal mail. Fleishhacker Foundation, PO Box 29918, San Francisco, CA 94129-0918, T: (415) 561-5350, www.fleishhackerfoundation.org/grants/small-arts-grants/. Deadline: July 15, 2013
South Arts Southern Fast Track Touring Grants – Provides smaller presenting organizations in South Arts’ nine-state region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) with fee support to present performing artists and writers from outside the presenter’s state. Grants will be awarded for theater, music, opera, musical theater, literary, and dance projects that contain both a public performance or reading and an educational component. Only nonprofit and governmental presenting organizations in South Arts’ nine-state region are eligible to apply. Applicant organizations must have operating budgets of $150,000 or less (for the last completed fiscal year), and projects must take place between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. The maximum request is 50 percent of the artist fee, up to $2,500. The minimum grant request is $500. Applications must be submitted online at least sixty days prior to the project start date. See website for complete guidelines and application. South Arts Southern Fast Track Touring Grants, 1800 Peachtree St., Ste. 808, Atlanta, GA 30309, Contact: Nikki Estes, T: (404) 874-7244 x16, http://www.southarts.org/site/c.guIYLaMRJxE/b.7586107/k.F13D/Southern_Fast_Track.htm. Deadline: Rolling; submit at least 60 days prior to project start date

NOTE: Visit our Residencies With Ongoing Deadlines page for more opportunities.
**Turkey Land Cove Foundation** (September 15, 2013-January 31, 2014, Edgartown, MA) – “A personal retreat for motivated women to pursue their professional, educational and artistic goals,” the Foundation provides need-based grants to women in transition, offering time, space, peace and quiet to plan major life changes, finish a body of artistic work, or accomplish other goals for which such a retreat would be appropriate. Their goal is to provide this to women who would otherwise not be able to afford a retreat. Successful applicants should be motivated, and have clear, definable goals to pursue artistic, professional, or educational advancement and a plan to implement those goals. Open to women who are residents of New England or New York State. Apply online, through website. NO FEE. Turkey Land Cove Foundation, PO Box 11, Edgartown, MA 02539, T: (508) 627-4583, turkeylandcovefoundation@gmail.com, http://www.turkeylandcovefoundation.com/. Deadline: Immediate! June 1, 2013
Joshua Tree National Park Artists’ Residencies (Joshua Tree National Park, CA) – 2-6-week residencies during the months of March, April, October, or November of each year for visual, performing, and literary artists. Accommodations are a rustic and self-sufficient cabin that hosts one artist at a time. Artists responsible for travel, meals, and transportation. FEE: $35. Joshua Tree National Park Association, Attn: Artist-in-Residence Program, 74485 National Park Dr., Twentynine Palms, CA 92277, T: (760) 367-3012, Contact: Caryn Davidson, Park Liaison, caryn_davidson@nps.gov, http://www.joshuatree.org/artist-in-residence/. Deadline: Immediate! June 1, 2013
UMass New Play Lab Paid Residencies (March 24-April 5, 2014, Amherst, MA) – Aims to develop two exceptional new scripts per year in cooperation with visionary playwrights. Two playwrights will be chosen for concurrent 10-day residencies during the mainstage production period of their scripts as public staged readings directed and dramaturged by UMass graduate students and performed by UMass undergraduate actors. Each playwright receives accommodation and a $750 honorarium. Playwright responsible for travel arrangements and meals. Submitted plays must be full-length; no musicals. Submit manuscript in PDF format by e-mail, including a concise playwright bio and development history of the play in the body of the e-mail. NO FEE. newplaylab@theater.umass.edu, http://www.umass.edu/theater/newplaylab.php. Deadline: July 1, 2013
Santa Fe Art Institute (1-3 months, year-round, Santa Fe, NM) – Residencies between 1-3 months for creative artists in all fields, including film and media artists, performing artists, and writers. Organization provides: housing and studios, including access to the College of Santa Fe’s performance and moving-image arts facilities and the Institute’s digital media lab and exhibition/installment space. Residents are encouraged to participate in the Institute’s outreach program, including public presentations of work, workshops, and individual critiques with students in the community. Residents are responsible for residency fee ($1,000 per month), refundable key deposit ($150), meals, travel, and materials. Most artists receive financial support from the Institute. See website for application. FEE: $35. Artist and Writer Residencies, PO Box 24044, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 87502, Contact: Katie Avery, Residency Director, T: (505) 424-5050, FAX: (505) 424-5050, kavery@sfai.org, www.sfai.org. Deadline: July 5, 2013
Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989, http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle. Deadline: Ongoing

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