
June 2012 Theatre & Film/Video Funding News

 WomenArts - Create, Connect, Change the World.

June 2012 Funding Newsletters

The WomenArts Funding Newsletters for June 2012 are now online. To read them, please click on the links below.


Thanks so much to all of you who signed the Women and Hollywood petition about the lack of women directors at the Cannes Film Festival.

Also, thanks to Kay Hardy Campbell for pointing out that although there were no women in the main competition at Cannes, there were important films by women in the sidebar screenings.  

In particular, we would like to congratulate Haifaa Al Mansour, the first female Saudi filmmaker, on the showing of her film, Wadjda, the first full-length feature ever shot entirely inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  Wadjda tells the story of an 11-year-old girl growing up in the suburbs of Saudi capital city Riyadh. Her dream is to get and ride a green bicycle, a treasure forbidden to women in the restrictive Islamist state. Read more>>



Please Note:  All programs specifically for women are now in red. Our newsletters place an emphasis on listings for women, people of color, and socially engaged artists. In addition to the newsletters above that list upcoming deadlines, we now have three pages on our website that list ongoing programs:  Ongoing Calls for Films & Videos, Ongoing Calls for Plays, and Ongoing Artist Residency Programs.  

If you miss an issue of our funding newsletters, you will always be able to find the two most recent newsletters posted in the News & Reviews section of our website at: www.WomenArts.org/news/index.htm#enews

Other Places to Check

There are several other places online where you can find information about funding for theatre and film/video artists:

WOMENARTS FUNDING LISTS - WomenArts maintains annotated lists of funders categorized by art form in the Grants/Resources section of our website at: http://www.WomenArts.org/fund/fundlists.htm.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website at: http://www.nyfa.org/nyfa_source.asp?id=47&fid=1.

WITHOUTABOX - Film/Video artists can check Withoutabox at http://www.withoutabox.com for a more comprehensive list of general-interest film festivals.

NYCPLAYWRIGHTS ORG - There are additional lists of general interest items for playwrights at http://www.NYCPlaywrights.org.

THEATRE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP - Theatre Communications Group (www.tcg.org) is a national alliance of non-profit theatres that offers a range of online information services, publications and grants. They publish ArtSearch, a newsletter for theatre job-seekers that lists available positions all over the country, and American Theatre, a monthly magazine that provides news about the non-profit theatre world. They provide helpful resources about international theatre activities at:  http://www.tcg.org/international/index.cfm.


The Build Your Skills section of our website has articles on the basics of fundraising, publicity, fiscal sponsorships, and tips for starting out as an artist. We also have an introduction to crowd-funding that explains how to use popular online fundraising sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo.

Some of our favorite SWAN Day videos are now online.  If you have a video you would like to share, please Contact Us>>

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About WomenArts

WomenArts (formerly known as The Fund for Women Artists) is a community of artists and allies dedicated to celebrating and supporting art by and about women. For an overview of our programs and services, please see the About Us section of our website.

Special Thanks

WomenArts is supported this year by generous grants from the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Art Happens, Embrey Family Foundation, The Sister Fund, The Harnisch Foundation, HEW Foundation, Northern Trust Charitable Giving, Do A Little, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, the PatsyLu Fund of the Open Meadows Foundation, Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, California Community Foundation, and by gifts of time, energy and money from artists and arts supporters around the world.

3739 Balboa Street #181
San Francisco, CA 94121
Phone: (415) 751-2202
Website: www.womenarts.org
Contact Us>>

(Note: WomenArts is the new name of The Fund for Women Artists,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.)

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