
Newsletter: May 2011

Our New Name

That's right! Our name is now:
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc.

We changed it to better suit our growing national impact as well as ease of use. WAMCo is still deeply grounded in our root mission:being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events.

New Name - Same Great Mission

We look forward to continuing to grow with our membership, our industries and our world.

On March 23rd, we presented our Collaboration Award to playwright Stefanie Zadravec, DG(left) & director Daniella Topol,  SDC (right) for their collaboration on The Electric Baby.

The event was magnificent, and the crowd was large and enthusiastic. The raffle prizes were a big hit and the networking was legendary. We have heard back from so many people about how inspiring the night was, and how they've already made plans for the next one!
Check out our Find us on Facebookpage for pictures &  feel free to "tag" yourself! 

Events of Interest
 (Org leaders - please share your events with us at our website)

Linda Lavin Interviewed by Michael Riedel (via League of Professional Theatre Women)

Spring Workshop Series (via Women Make Movies)

Bistro Awards (via Sherry Eaker) 
(with a 10% Discount for WAM Coalition members!)

(via Stage Directors and Choreographers Society) 

Cross-Org Meet & Greets
This new event series is an opportunity for two of our member organizations to get to know each other better  - as a whole and one-on-one - through a social networking evening.

Our first Meet & Greet introduced members of the League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW), and New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT). After some terrific networking warm-ups, people ate, drank, and talked well past the official ending time.  We are excited to continue this series every few months.

We'd love to hear from your organization about what other organization you'd like to connect with - give us a shout-out atwamcoalition@gmail.com!

In This Issue



We are pleased and honored to welcome our newest boardmembers:
Donna Devlin-Young
Joanne Dorian
Stacey Jackson
Ylana Kellar

Joining our ProfessionalAdvisory Council:
Katie Rosin of Kampfire Public Relations

Join Our Mailing List


Nothing official yet, but those in the know are saying that the Coalition is pairing up with some extremely talented women in the film and jazz arenas to bring you an exciting event in October!)

And keep your ears open for some of our signature events, such as:

 - Blatent Self Interest Networking Event -

- Just About Networking -

and our newest:
- Cross Org
Meet & Greets -
See more details in this eblast!

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