
Harriet Slaughter Addresses Coalition - Back Stage 1/9/2004

Slaughter addresses Professional Women

Theatre administrator/labor negotiator Harriet Slaughter will discuss "How to Negotiate Almost Anything" at a Blatant Self-Interest Networking Event sponsored by the New York Coalition of Professional Women in the Arts & Media on Mon., Jan. 12, at 6 pm at The Players, 16 Gramercy Park South (20th Street and Park Avenue South).
Slaughter brings to her subject more than 25 years of experience, most recently as director of labor relations for the League of American Theatres and Producers, where she negotiated contracts with more than a dozen labor unions involved in the mounting of a theatrical production. She recently became co-director of pension and health for the League, serving as a trustee on 14 Taft Hartley theatre pension and health funds.
The New York Coalition for Professional Women in the Arts & Media has been working for the advancement of women in the performing arts and media industries since 1990.
Tickets for the Blatant Self-Interest Networking Event are $20. For information, call the Coalition Hotline, 212-592-4511 or email nvcoalition@hotmail.com.
Source Citation:
"Slaughter addresses Professional Women." Back Stage 9 Jan. 2004: 54. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 8 July 2015.
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