
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25



She/Her Fest 

She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmmakers. She/Her Fest is an inclusive, safe, art community. It is important to know that the festival itself is for EVERYONE regardless of gender! Hosted in the picturesque Pacific Northwest, She/Her Fest is an annual community gathering that you won't want to miss!

o When/Where: July 26-27 

o Deadline: March 7 (Very First Week Discount), March 31 (Early Bird Deadline), April 30 (Regular Deadline), May 20 (Late Deadline)

o Application Fee: $10-25 

o Eligibility:

  • All entries must include at least two individuals—either a Director, Writer, Cinematographer, or Producer—who use she/her or she/they pronouns. Entrants must be 18+.

  • Entries must be 100% Completed, including, color, picture, and sound.

  • FILM LENGTH: Short films must not exceed 30 minutes in length. Feature length films must not exceed 120 minutes in length.

  • BUDGET CAP: Film budget is not to exceed $25,000.

  • PREMIERE STATUS: No Premiere Status requirements.

  • FILM AGE: Films have no age requirement.

  • AGREEMENT OF USE: By submitting to She/Her Fest, filmmakers agree to have their work publicly screened on the listed event date.Filmmakers and guests agree to allow the festival to use their likeness in promotional materials relating to the festival.

  • COPYRIGHT: All rights to the film must be owned by the filmmakers, INCLUDING music and archive footage.

o Categories: Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Los Angeles International Awards Screenplay Diversity 

THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY'S PREMIER SCREENPLAY COMPETITION is hosting a Diversity Initiative to bring attention to those groups who are underrepresented in Hollywood. Our judging panel of Oscar and Emmy winning producers, writers, directors, and executives are looking to endorse the best diverse talent and bring them to literary representatives ASAP!

o When/Where: August 1 

o Deadline: March 7 (Super Early Deadline), March 28 (Early Deadline), April 18 (Regular Deadline), May 9 (Late Deadline), May 30 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $39-139 

o Eligibility: Material is accepted via electronic submission only.

  • There is no limit to the number of projects you may submit.

  • Submitted scripts must be received by midnight of deadline dates and submission fee payment must accompany your material. All entry fees are non-refundable

  • All submitted material must be original, and all rights must be wholly owned by the writer(s).

  • Material must be submitted by the writer. Material written by writing teams must be submitted by one of the writers, with consent of the other(s). All writers must be credited on title page.

  • If a writing team is chosen as a winner, prizes will be given to the writer submitting the project. Each team is responsible for dividing or sharing the prize money, with no direction from L.A. International Screenplay Awards administrators, staff, or judges.

  • Revisions, rewrites, addenda, or substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of the entered material are accepted upon payment of a discounted administrative fee.

  • By using our service, you authorize us to use any trusted third-party online and cloud-based services and databases for hosting, managing and/or transmitting your submission file(s).

  • All copyright, ownership and derivative rights to the material submitted to L.A. International Screenplay Awards remains with the original rights holders and/or author.

  • All writers, without regard to age, gender, country of origin, native language, or sexual preference at least 18 years of age are eligible.

  • The material submitted must be in English.

  • All material submitted to other competitions or contests is eligible.

  • There are no limitations or restrictions as to date of authorship.

  • The material submitted must not be encumbered by any obligation to, or option held by, any third party prior to entering the competition.

  • Any submitted work that becomes optioned, published, produced or purchased between the time of submission and the end of the judging period will be ineligible.

  • Material should be submitted in standard screenplay format, font, spacing and margin.

  • No limitations regarding title page content. Title and name of writer and contact information on cover page is recommended.

  • Adaptations of source material or other literary work must be properly referenced and credited.

  • Feature scripts that exceed 130 pages will be disqualified.

  • All material must be submitted electronically as a PDF digital file.

o Categories: Feature Script, Short Script 

o Submission Information

Hollywood International Diversity Film Festival 

The values of Southern California reflect the diversity of gender, gender identity, and the many different cultures that reside within our region. And independent film has been the driver of change in the Hollywood mainstream, at times influencing and re-shaping the norms of studio and network content. With screenings in Hollywood, our event celebrates independent films that embrace diversity of gender and cultural perspectives, and accepts our differences to promote understanding and empathy.

o When/Where: August 10 

o Deadline: March 7 (Very First Week Discount), March 31 (Early Bird Deadline), April 30 (Regular Deadline), May 20 (Late Deadline)

o Application Fee: $40-90 

o Eligibility: 

  • The Festival does not claim any copyright or other rights related to the material submitted. However, by submitting your film or video material to the Festival, you are agreeing to allow the Festival to use partial clips and/or screenshots of your work in the Festival's promotional material.

  • If a submitted film (or other video-based material) is chosen by the Festival to be screened at an event, the submitter must be ready to provide the film in a high quality digital format (at least 1080p or higher) or other formats which may be requested by the Festival. Any alternative formats must be agreed upon by the Festival's directors and the submitter and the Festival reserves the right to withdraw the offer to screen the film if an appropriate format cannot be provided in time for the Festival's event date. Additionally, by submitting material to the Festival, you hereby consent to the Festival to share your name and contact information with any producers, distributors, agents, managers, and other industry professionals who may be interested in your submitted material. However, the Festival shall be under no obligation to disclose any personal or contact information related to the judges or jury members. Judging feedback information may be shared at the discretion of the Festival but should not be considered any part of standard procedure and should not be expected under normal circumstances due to time and resource limitations. If a film is selected for screening, the submitter may contact the Festival to opt out of the screening at any time prior to the date of the scheduled screening.

  • All status notifications and communications regarding the event will be sent by the Festival to the submitter by email. It is the submitter's responsibility to check SPAM or JUNK folders in case an important email has been misidentified as unsolicited advertising.

  • The Festival does not have any premiere requirements as of the current season. If your film has premiered at another film festival or was exhibited privately or online, it remains eligible. Films with distribution are also eligible but please notify us of this in your submission. (If your film is accepted to screen at our festival and our screening will be the world premiere, American premiere, California state premiere, or Los Angeles premiere of your film, feel free to let us know so your premiere status can be mentioned on our promotional material.)

  • All submissions of films, short films, web series, documentaries, music videos, or other video-based material must include an online screener. The Festival does not accept physical submissions of film, DVD, Blu-Ray or other physical media for the judging stages. If the online screener is hosted on a service that requires a shared password, it is the submitter's responsibility to ensure that the shared password provided is accurate and up to date.

  • Your film must be understandable to a primarily English-speaking audience. If the main dialogue in the film is not in English, please include English subtitles in all submission copies as well as the screening copy (if your film is selected.)

  • All submissions must be accompanied by the applicable submission fee. Submission fees are paid for the time and work performed by judges and jury. The Festival shall not be obliged to provide any refunds after a work has been submitted. If a dispute arises for any reason, the submitter will be responsible for any transaction fees or costs incurred by the Festival in connection with the dispute. The submitter is solely responsible for any applicable local, state, and/or federal taxes in connection with submissions.

  • All submitted films must be an original work. If the film is based on an existing property or other underlying work, the submitter must have secured the rights to the material. The Festival shall not be expected to verify or investigate the rights secured by the submitter. By submitting your work, you hereby represent that all necessary rights related to the work (including but not limited to story, content, music, logos, performer likenesses and images) have been secured and you accept all responsibility and liability for any copyright violations related to your submission. The Festival reserves the right to disqualify any submission on the basis of legal reasons including but not limited to copyright violations or any content that violates the laws of California.

  • Works in progress are accepted. However, please clearly indicate on your submission forms if your film is a work in progress. It is the submitter's responsibility to ensure that a suitable cut of the film will be ready and available by the date of the event if the film is selected for screening by the Festival. The Festival may accept revisions of submitted material on a case by case basis but is under no obligation to do so.

  • The Festival shall not be held liable nor responsible for any statements or opinions expressed by any individual administrator, jury member, board member, director, judge, staff member, affiliate, partner, or volunteer. Any statements or opinions expressed by such individuals do not necessarily reflect those of the Festival as an organization. If a dispute arises in connection with your submission to the Festival, you agree to contact the Festival and allow the administrators of the Festival at least one week to resolve the problem prior to involving any third party.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, TV 

o Submission Information

Astoria Film Festival 

filmmakers as possible, to our community via events and social media, and to industry professionals that judge the works and attend the festival. Astoria Film Festival Inc in Astoria NY, is a 501c3 non-profit organization and an official NYC DOE VENDOR. Founded by an Astoria-born First-Gen Woman with a background in TV and Digital Media production, with a majority female board, this festival aims to increase representation in media through the festival itself and also through its education and workforce development programs. Each year, we produce a Main Festival and a Youth Festival , focused on short live action and animated films, and highlight our Student Programming, where we teach filmmaking workshops to ages 8-adult in schools, after schools, and community centers. In addition, we train high-school and college age youth in our Media Production Lab where we provide instruction in media production skills, real-world production experience, and connections to industry professionals. Please follow us on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook for more info.
You can also visit astoriafilmfestival.org

o When/Where: May 29-June 1

o Deadline: March 1 (Regular Deadline), April 1 (Late), May 1 (Last Minute) 

o Application Fee: $8-$80 

o Eligibility: Submissions must be made in an mp4 format via FilmFreeway ONLY and should contain subtitles as some of our judges are deaf and will not be able to judge otherwise.

  • Please do not email or DM us films. They will not be part of the judged films.

  • Projects should not be more than 2 years old at time of submission.

  • Projects need to have the rights to use included music or use royalty-free music.

  • Projects cannot be screened in any other Queens-based festival in May/June 2025.

  • Short films and short animated films: 20 mins or less.

  •  Exception: Documentary Shorts can be up to 40 mins.

o Categories: Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Astoria Film Festival 

filmmakers as possible, to our community via events and social media, and to industry professionals that judge the works and attend the festival. Astoria Film Festival Inc in Astoria NY, is a 501c3 non-profit organization and an official NYC DOE VENDOR. Founded by an Astoria-born First-Gen Woman with a background in TV and Digital Media production, with a majority female board, this festival aims to increase representation in media through the festival itself and also through its education and workforce development programs. Each year, we produce a Main Festival and a Youth Festival , focused on short live action and animated films, and highlight our Student Programming, where we teach filmmaking workshops to ages 8-adult in schools, after schools, and community centers. In addition, we train high-school and college age youth in our Media Production Lab where we provide instruction in media production skills, real-world production experience, and connections to industry professionals. Please follow us on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook for more info.
You can also visit astoriafilmfestival.org

o When/Where: May 29-June 1

o Deadline: March 1 (Regular Deadline), April 1 (Late), May 1 (Last Minute) 

o Application Fee: $0-$80 

o Eligibility: Submissions must be made in an mp4 format via FilmFreeway ONLY and should contain subtitles as some of our judges are deaf and will not be able to judge otherwise.

  • Please do not email or DM us films. They will not be part of the judged films.

  • Projects should not be more than 2 years old at time of submission.

  • Projects need to have the rights to use included music or use royalty-free music.

  • Projects cannot be screened in any other Queens-based festival in May/June 2025.

  • Short films and short animated films: 20 mins or less.

  •  Exception: Documentary Shorts can be up to 40 mins.

o Categories: Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

California Women's Film Festival (Summer) 

The California Women's Film Festival is deeply honored to celebrate women filmmakers, artists and writers by providing a showcase and networking forum in the heart of Hollywood. The CWFF understands how important it is to hear and see the educated, entertaining and diverse stories of women from around the globe. We provide a platform so these voices can be heard and shared with audiences that want to be inspired. The California Women's Film Festival accepts all projects that have at least one woman in one of the key production positions: (Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, Lead Actress, Etc......). Projects that are produced and/or directed by men are accepted as long as there is a lead female protagonist and/or the story is based around women. The California Women's Film Festival operates as a biannual event. Our Winter season will be held in January and our Summer season will be held in July.

o When/Where: June 27-29 

o Deadline: March 4 (Regular Deadline), March 25 (Late Deadline), April 15 (Extended Deadline), May 6 (Freeway Deadline), May 27 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $22.50-$90

o Eligibility: Projects must have at least one woman in one of the key production positions: (Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Lead Actress, Etc......). 

  • Projects that are produced and/or directed by men are accepted as long as there is a lead female protagonist and/or the story is based around women. 

  • All genres are accepted. 

  • Works in progress should be clearly marked on the screening copy. 

  • Submissions in languages other than English must be subtitled or dubbed. 

  • The entry fee is per category. Entry fee is non-refundable. Fee waivers are not available. 

  • DVDs must clearly be labeled with FilmFreeway tracking ID and contact info. 

  • Our Festival will consist of Award presentations, red carpet photos, screenings and Q&A sessions. 

  • For more information please contact us at info@calwomensfest.com 

  • Please do not send paper press kits with your screener unless requested. 

  • DVDs will not be returned.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary  

o Contact: info@calwomensfest.com

o Submission Information

The Women's Independent Film Festival 

The Women's Independent Film Festival is a chance to share and celebrate greatness in the world of female filmmaking. Our incredible community ranges from directors, to producers, to screenwriters, to actors, to content creators! Whatever the medium: We build this festival to shed light, deliver opportunity and celebrate the achievements of women in the world of filmmaking, storytelling and beyond! We're going into our 3rd year celebrating the Women's Independent Film Festival and we're so excited for this year's work, partnerships, competitions and more.  Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Women's Independent Film Festival for screenings, networking, resources, collaboration, learning, partnerships and for our official premieres and awards ceremony blocks. The Women's Independent Film Festival was created to encourage female content creators with unique backgrounds to share their stories/ The festival will promote the work of women filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film.  Women have to be involved in the creation of ALL submitted films! That can be either as directors, producers, writers, performers, etc. Just as long as they were involved in the creation of the submitted work.

o When/Where: October 9-12 

o Deadline: March 31 (March Deadline), April 30 (April Deadline), May 31 (May Deadline), June 30 (June Deadline), July 31 (Regular Deadline), September 1 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$60

o Eligibility: All entries should be sent via FilmFreeway with a secure online screener. Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.  By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.  By submitting to the festival you give consent to the festival programming staff to screen your work in front of the private audience of the Women's Independent Film Festival community.  There is no minimum running time. Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1st, 2019.  All genres are welcome Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

o Categories: Shorts, Feature Film, Documentary, Animated

o Submission Information

OUTshine LGBTQ+ Film Festival: Miami Edition 

OUTshine Film Festival is South Florida's premiere showcase for LGBTQ+ films producing a large scale festival in Miami (April) and Fort Lauderdale (October) OUTshine - Miami Edition, is a critically acclaimed event, based in the world-renowned South Florida city of Miami.  The 24th edition of OUTshine - Miami will take place from April 22 - May 1, 2022. OUTshine is committed to its mission: To inspire, entertain and educate the public, encourage a sense of community through international and culturally diverse film, video and other media that offer historical and contemporary perspectives on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experience. The festival has grown from a 3-day event in which 25 films were presented to the current format of 10 days with 65+ films. OUTshine is an internationally acclaimed event serving as a platform for numerous World Premiers, North American Premiers and East Coast Premiers. Special emphasis on highlighting and premiering the best pin GLBT Spanish language films.

o When/Where: April 17 - 27

o Deadline: March 20 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $12.50-60 

o Eligibility: ONLINE LINKS ONLY! OUTshine only accepts on-line screener submissions via FilmFreeway and preferably with a Vimeo link.  Only films completed after January 1, 2021 will be eligible, unless used a retrospective or classic. To be eligible for the festival, a film must NOT have had a theatrical run in South Florida. NEW RULE: A film being released on VOD/DVD or otherwise available on-line will be considered on a case by case basis, but will no longer be an automatically disqualified, but the film must meet all the other rules for inclusion. Once we receive your link we will check FilmFreeway to ensure all of the submission process has been fulfilled.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short 

o Submission Information

Chelsea Film Festival 

The Chelsea Film Festival (CFF) has been selected in the "TOP 10 BEST FILM FESTIVAL IN NORTH AMERICA" (#6) by USA Today in 2019 among 19 other film festivals in the USA.CFF is an organization dedicated to supporting films and the artists who create them by providing a creative forum for exchange and discovery with the public. The Festival attracts filmmakers, artists and audience members from across North America and around the globe. It premieres independent feature-length, documentaries and short films with a Global Focus. Chelsea Film Festival aims to raise an awareness about foreign independent films and discover upcoming talents. The Chelsea Film Festival is an international film platform for world lovers.

o When/Where: October 15-29

o Deadline: March 31 (Official Deadline), May 31 (Late Deadline), July 6 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $9-$100

o Eligibility: Entries must be New York City premieres and have been completed in 2021 or 2022. Films shown in other festivals or public screenings in New York are not eligible for consideration. Contact us directly at info@chelseafilm.org if your film is a WORLD PREMIERE.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

Los Angeles Asian Film Festival  

Los Angeles Asian Film Awards, originally called Las Vegas Asian Film Awards (LVAFA), was an independent festival that resides beneath the umbrella of AOF MegaFest, which is in its 19th year, is the largest film event of its kind in the world. Held in Las Vegas at the Premiere Theaters and Locations, the show regularly exceeds 20,000 guests and attendees. After a first successful annual event in Las Vegas with the legendary AOF MegaFest in summer 2021, it moved to Los Angeles, the center of the world film industry. Opportunities at Los Angeles Asian Film Awards are literally like no other in the world; Los Angeles Asian Film Awards can put more resources together and offer a wide variety of industry guests, seminar speakers, and panelists. We invite you to join festival director, Award-Winning Filmmaker and Writer Lureen Wu and honorable judge, director Roger Christiansen ("Friends," "Hannah Montana," "Tango Down") as they bring you a selection of pure Asian Cinema for Screenings and Awards. The situation surrounding COVID-19 has caused much pain in the film and entertainment industries, and no group has been affected more than Asian Filmmakers, Writers, and Creators. The Los Angeles Asian Film Awards is a hub and platform for Asian filmmakers to have their works seen and voices heard. Festival Director Lureen Wu was born and raised in Shanghai, China. She worked as a TV director in Shanghai for years, including TV documentaries, TV commercials, celebrity talk shows, and music videos. Early in her career in Shanghai, Lureen worked with the Emmy Award-winning television interviewer, Nancy Merrill, in the English talk show "Nancy Merrill: Minds of Millionaires" on the international channel of Shanghai TV Station(SMG) and CCTV NEWS. After moving to the United States, Lureen continued pursuing her career in film. She worked with filmmakers who are part of some best-known movies and TV shows such as Friends, Les Misérables(2012), The Big Bang Theory, Saw, Sex and The City, Iron Man 2, Grey's Anatomy, The Princess Diaries, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones......Our Festival is open to ALL Asian filmmakers, talents, and writers of all genres and lengths.

o When/Where: December 13 

o Deadline: March 31 (Early Bird Deadline), May 31 (Regular Early Deadline), June 30 (Regular Deadline), July 31 (Regular Late Deadline), August 31 (Late Deadline), September 30 (Extended Deadline) November 15 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $40-$55

o Eligibility: We are Accepting submissions for feature Narrative and Documentary, short Narrative and Documentary, Music Videos, TV Commercials, short/feature scripts. All genres are welcome. The festival programming staff will place your film in the appropriate category. To Enter for Competition your film or Project must have a writer, producer, talent or director of Asian descent in order to be eligible for awards.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

New York Lift-Off Film Festival 

For over ten years Lift-Off has been screening in the city of New York. It stands tall as the central hub of creative ambition. Bursting from its emergence out of the 20th Century as one of the worlds most recognizable and iconic cities. It is an undeniable powerhouse of independent art - a city of massive cultural, and business relevance to the entire film industry. Lift-Off invites filmmakers to this exceptional showcase location, that aims to deliver more opportunities for ambitious creatives to build their professional lives. From talent agencies, sales agents, distributors, and the press - New York Lift-Off is the destination for filmmakers looking to build their career, and have the right eyes on their work. The audience feedback in NYC will give filmmakers a unique, quantifiable and intelligent breakdown as to how their work communicates. 

o When/Where: July 1-31 

o Deadline: March 4 (March), April 2 (Regular), May 5 (Late), June 3 (Final) 

o Application Fee: $18-$100

o Eligibility: If you pay a submission fee, we will screen your work. Our programme's are separated into categories based on your content's level of storytelling, production value, message and acting. During the festival we have two voting committees - our professional jury and the general public. IMPORTANT NOTE: Our online festivals are NOT a pay for vote platform. If you invite your friends and family to watch either the physical or online screenings it is encouraged that they engage with as much of the content as possible and vote accordingly. This is why two votes are always counted from each audience member with both votes resulting in 1 point for each film. We are doing our best to invite new and exciting audiences to genuine indie film content - if you can encourage your audiences to do the same we will build a wonderful network of opportunity for all, no matter where you are starting out. Proudly, we have no other restrictions for your work. This includes your work's premier status, it's age and/or whether your work has been made available online

o Categories: Feature, Short, Animated, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Manhattan Short Film Festival 

During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 500 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the 25th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival. If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.

o When/Where: September 25 - October 5

o Deadline: July 31 (Regular Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-$50

o Eligibility: Films Must Be 20 Minutes and Under in Length.

o Categories: Short Film, Screenplay, Music Video 

o Submission Information

aGLIFF/Prism Film Festival 

There is no more important place for your LGBTQIA+ film to screen in the Southwest. aGLIFF is the longest-running queer film festival in the US Southwest and the Fourth oldest in America. We are also the oldest film festival in Austin (older than AFF and SXSW).  PRISM, our 35th annual marquee LGBTQIA+ film festival will be held in-person August 24 - 29, 2022. All films submitted through FilmFreeway and selected will be eligible for cash prizes, $500 for shorts and $1000 for features, as awarded by the jury. aGLIFF is a nominating partner for the Iris Prize, the annual £30,000 prize allowing the winner to make their next film, the largest prize for an LGBTQIA+ film in the world

o When/Where: August 20-24 

o Deadline: March 1 (Early Bird Deadline), April 1 (Regular Deadline), May 1 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$45

o Eligibility: aGLIFF accepts films of any length and genre that are about or of interest to the LGBTQIA+ community. We strongly support authenticity in filmmaking and believe LGBTQIA+ stories should be told by LGBTQIA+ filmmakers - writers, directors, producers - use your Director's Statement or your Cover Letter to introduce yourself and your team. And yes, trans characters should be played by trans actors.

o Categories: Feature, Animated, Documentary, Comedy Short

o Submission Information

Black Star Film Festival 

BlackStar Film Festival is an annual celebration of the visual and storytelling traditions of the African diaspora and of global Indigenous communities, showcasing films by Black, Brown and Indigenous artists from around the world. 

o When/Where: July 31 - August 3rd

o Deadline: March 1 (Preferred Deadline), April 1 (Late Deadline), 

o Application Fee: $20-45

o Eligibility: Films must (1) be directed by a person of African descent or who otherwise identifies as Black, Brown or Indigenous, and (2) feature persons of African descent, or tell a story of Black, Brown or Indigenous experiences.

  • Narrative feature films and documentary films must not exceed a runtime of 120 minutes, and short films must not exceed a runtime of 40 minutes.

  • Non-English language works must have English subtitles at the time submitted. Dialogue lists will not be accepted.

  • Though not required for eligibility, preference is given to premiere status films: Philadelphia, East Coast, US, North American, and World premieres.

  • Entrants must fully comply with these entry rules and regulations, including all deadlines, film length, entry material and other requirements.

  • Note: Entry fees are in U.S. dollars, are per film, and are non-refundable. BlackStar reserves the right to disqualify a submission, without refund of any kind, if eligibility requirements are not met, including if eligibility status changes post-submission.

  • Students: Entry fees for student submissions will be waived upon receipt of a photocopy of a current and valid student ID card or a letter from an accredited school that verifies enrollment.

o Categories: Feature, Documentary, Short, Music Video, Experimental 

o Contact: submissions@blackstarfest.org.

o Submission Information

Fade to Black Arts Festival

Experience the dynamic evolution of cinema at the Fade To Black Arts Festival, where we celebrate the Past, Present, and Future of Film.This festival will bring together emerging talents and seasoned filmmakers, showcasing the rich narratives, artistic innovation, and technical mastery that shape the film industry. From intimate short films to compelling full-length features, the Film division is a platform for African-American creatives to highlight their unique voices and perspectives through the lens of film. Join us for an exciting film festival and awards ceremony that honors excellence in storytelling and technical craftsmanship. The event culminates in an awards ceremony inspired by the grandeur of festivals like the Academy Awards, recognizing outstanding achievements in various categories judged by esteemed professionals in the film industry.

o When/Where: June 8-14 

o Deadline: February 16 (Regular Deadline), May 1 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $50-$75

o Eligibility: The primary filmmaker (director, writer, or producer) must be of African-American descent.

  • Films must adhere to the stated qualifications for runtime and format in their respective categories.

  • Submissions must be the original work of the applicant. Plagiarism or copyright infringement will result in disqualification.

  • Films must be submitted via the official submission platform, along with all required documentation.

o Categories: Feature, Short

o Submission Information

East Village Queer Film Festival

East Village Queer Film Festival (EVQ) celebrates queer film in all it's glorious diversity. We welcome filmmakers who entertain, explore and promote queer-themed issues and as well as the downtown avant garde. EVQ's further goal is community building through queer cinema. EVQ promotes the work of queer film and fosters a highly inclusive environment for all artists. You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer!

o When/Where: August 20-24

o Deadline: February 14 (Early Bird Deadline), April 1 (Regular Deadline), May 5 (Late Deadline), June 9 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-50

o Eligibility:You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer! 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Music Video

o Submission Information

Reel Queer Film Festival

The Reel Queer Film Festival is a celebration of LGBTQ+ films, filmmakers, and stories from around the world. With a mission to provide innovative, unique, and diverse programming we hope to engage the hearts and minds of audiences in Arkansas and the surrounding region. Reel Queer observes the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community by presenting stories that reflect, document, and celebrate LGBTQ+ lives truthfully and with respect. The festival demonstrates the power of storytelling and filmmaking to transform lives of those inside and outside the LGBTQ+ community. Some of our guests in previous years included Armistead Maupin (The Untold Tales of Armistead Maupin), Cheryl Dunye (The Watermelon Woman), Luka Kain (Saturday Church), Assaad Yacoub (Cherry Pop), Graham Kolbeins (Queer Japan), Elegance Bratton (Pier Kids) and Stephen Cone (Princess Cyd), Del Shores (Sordid Lives), Vera Drew (The People's Joker). 

o When/Where: August 7-10

o Deadline: April 30 (Regular Deadline), May 31 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$65

o Eligibility: Reel Queer Film Festival (Kaleidoscope Arts and Culture) is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items, including films in any medium, while en-route or in our possession, on or off of festival grounds.

  • Runtimes: Short Films are any films under 40 minutes in length. Feature films will be considered those that are over 40 minutes.

  • Only digital online screener submissions are accepted using FilmFreeway's digital submission process (Vimeo/YouTube links).

  • All films submitted must be in English dialogue or contain onscreen English subtitles. The festival reserves the right to disqualify any film that does not meet this requirement.

  • More than one entry may be submitted. Each must be submitted with its own entry form and fee.

  • It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to obtain all necessary copyrights. By submitting the film you maintain you have obtained all necessary rights for exhibition.

  • COMPLETION DATE: The film must have been completed on or after January 1, 2017.

  • PREMIERE STATUS: No premiere requirement

  • Works in progress may be submitted but it must be stated on the application. If selected it is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure the completed version arrives to the festival before the festival begins.

  • Films may have distribution.

  • All submissions are final. No refunds are provided

o Categories: Feature, Short

o Submission Information

Warped Witch Film Festival 

Warped Witch (formerly Southern Gothic) is a dynamic film festival led by women which empowers filmmakers in our community. We value inclusivity above all else, welcoming filmmakers from diverse backgrounds with open arms. We provide a platform for their unique perspectives and embrace the weird, the strange, the unorthodox, and the unconventional. Our mission is to celebrate the beauty of diversity and encourage everyone to dare to be different! Go beyond the norm! While the roots of our festival remain in the essence of horror, we go beyond the boundaries showcasing films from all genres! All types of cinematic expressions are welcomed

o When/Where: May 16-17 

o Deadline: February 1 (Regular Deadline), March 22 (Dead Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$20

o Eligibility: Film submissions must be provided on digital files.

  • Submissions must be English language or English subtitled.

  • Include title and name of contact on all media.

  • Southern Scream Film Festival reserves the right to change submission categories.

  • Eligibility and category determinations, along with prize awards, are the sole discretion of the Festival.

  • Submissions may be screened more than once during the Festival and at events post festival.

o Categories: Feature, Short

o Submission Information

Queen City Film Festival (NJ) 

The Queen City Film Festival (NJ), a A Queen City Film & Television Workshop event, is a community centered film festival based in the historic city of Plainfield, New Jersey; a central jersey hub for culture, cuisine, music, art and film. Located 25 miles southwest of Tribeca in lower Manhattan, Plainfield is set with two train stations along the NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line and is a quick easy commute to and from from New York City. QCFTVW is a NJ nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing Tv and film production training to area youth, free of charge With tree-lined streets and Victorian homes set against a unique urban landscape, the city is a perfect location for the festival, which attracts cinephiles from all around for two days of movies, workshops, networking, vendor opportunities, parties and an awards ceremony. Community partners include restaurants, shops, air b&b stewards and other local businesses. The festival, now in its 8th year, started out as a pop-up short film showcase featuring both Plainfield filmmakers as well as films produced within its borders. The goal of the festival is to provide a platform for developing and seasoned filmmakers with a platform for their work. To Connect audiences with emerging talent while curating impactful films. To create a space for film professionals to access continuing education and development in and effort to encourage career preparedness for the television and motion picture industry. The festival also pledges to continue its youth mentoring and internship programming through various nonprofit components. The Plainfield Film and Television Production Training Program has afforded dozens of local youth access to the tools of film production, direct contact with accomplished professionals and career counseling and placement in industry. Projects with socially impactful themes in their storytelling will be given the primary consideration from the judge's panel . The class of 2018's included films from Writer Okema T. Moore, Jacqueline Howell-King, Jamal Hodge, Director Patrick Coker as well as renowned novelist and Plainfield's own, JM Benjamin. Despite the challenges presented by COVID 19 - the Queen City Film Festival continues to thrive. We have amassed thousands of views on our Facebook and YOUTUBE pages by hosting live screenings of official selections. We returned to live Screenings at CINEMARK THEATER in October of 2021 to great success. Though we have also been virtual hybrid event since April of 2020, the Queen City Film Festival has weathered the pandemic conditions and remains dedicated to providing a multiverse space for filmmakers - ONLINE,DRIVE IN THEATER EXPERIENCE and IN PERSON. Four days of film, workshop and development as well as an awards show. Join us October 16 - 19,2025 as we bring the best independent short and feature length films, series,animation, horror, music video, documentary and screenplays. New Jersey's most important film festival for underrepresented artists from around the globe.

o When/Where: October 16-19 

o Deadline: January 1 (Early Bird Deadline), February 17 (Regular Deadline), March 16 (Late Deadline), April 13 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $20-$70

o Eligibility: Entries must be written, directed, produced and/or principally acted by a person of color. Works in progress are not considered.

  • More than one entry can be submitted; however, each entry must be accompanied by a separate online submission form, entry fee, color JPEG publicity photo, one - two sentence synopsis and URL link and password.

  • Year of completion must be 2022 or later.

  • Foreign language films must have English subtitles.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Horror 

o Submission Information

Feminist Border Arts Film Festival 

The Feminist Border Arts Film Festival (FBAFF & FBA25) is proud to celebrate its 10th season and anniversary in 2025. This year, our decade-long theme, "Film and Media Arts: Crafting New Futures," invites us to explore how creative expression can shape and reimagine the world we strive to build. Join us this Pride, on June 6-7, 2025, at the University Art Museum on the campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, just forty miles from El Paso, TX, Ciudad Juárez, and the U.S.-Mexico border. Our 2nd Annual Zine Fest (FBAZF) will run concurrently on June 7. Over the past decade, FBAFF has established itself as an important platform for socially transformative work, rooted in the belief that film, media, and zines are powerful catalysts for change and community building. Our curation emphasizes not just content but also form, inviting works that explore innovative storytelling techniques. We care not only about what is being told but also about how it's being told, to whom, and by whom, all with the purpose of practicing feminist curiosity, fostering collective insight, and forming third or remixed space. Submission Process: FBA25 welcomes submissions from students, independent creators, collaborators, scholar-artists, and seasoned filmmakers. This two-day festival and exhibition interrogates and expands upon conventional narratives relating to women, gender, LGBTQ+ communities, BIPOC, and positive social change. Through film, digital projects, and media, we foster critical engagement that spans both U.S. and global contexts. We seek submissions that engage critically with social issues, push boundaries in storytelling, and envision radical possibilities through innovative and creative expression. We welcome submissions across genres, including narrative, documentary, experimental, and animated films that challenge the norms of storytelling, representation, and social engagement. The festival defines "feminist border arts" as a practice that challenges the limits of conventional representation through telling stories from the edge—threshold visions from the margins that create new ways of understanding and transmit underrepresented ways of knowing. Selected pieces revive the promise of cinema, the possibility of film and media arts to open minds, create new vistas, and challenge dehumanizing forms of representation.

o When/Where: June 6-7 

o Deadline: January 5 (Regular Deadline), February 15 (Late Deadline), March 7 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $8-$50

o Eligibility: Cinematic Relevance: Your film must directly address topics related to women, gender, LGBTQIA+, social justice and transformation, disability, intersectionality, the environment, peace, and/or transnational and global issues. All films, regardless of the language, must include English captions to be screened at the festival.

  • Original Work & Legal Compliance: Your film must be an original work and legally cleared for exhibition by FBA. Ensure that you have the necessary licenses or permissions for all music, trademarks, and literary material used in your film.

  • Indemnification: By submitting, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Feminist Border Arts, its organizers, and partners from any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees and court costs) arising from issues related to copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, or the screening of your work.

  • Film Length & Production Timeframe: Accepted lengths for short films are 60 seconds to 39 minutes, and for feature films, 40 to 120 minutes. Films must have been produced post-January 1, 2023.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Animated  

o Submission Information

WRPN Women's International Film Festival

Welcome to the WRPN Women's International Film Festival, where distribution and feedback opportunities abound for films made by women or films that carry subjects relating to concerns about women's issues. WWIFF is a sister festival to the Depth of Field International Film Festival, a FilmFreeway "Top 100 Reviewed" festival alumni. Distribution: over the years, our sister festivals have sent hundreds of films and screenplays to 3 established Distribution companies who have already signed contracts with dozens of our filmmakers. WWIFF now operates with that same advantage! These distributors do not take unsolicited submissions; your top award-winning with WWIFF gets you into our private distributor review group. This is a Free Service provided exclusively to our top winners. Don't forget Feedback: The one element most festivals ignore.

o When/Where: May 9, 2026 

o Deadline: January 31 (Regular Deadline), March 31 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Extended Deadline), August 31 (Last Chance Deadline)

o Application Fee: $36-$80

o Eligibility: While WWIFF is a female-focused film festival, we will also accept films produced and/or directed by men if one or more self-identifying top production members are female (including but not limited to cinematographers, producers, writers, editors, or films featuring a strong female presence on screen). We will not exclude films directed by men if the topic is significant to women and women's issues. WWIFF is granted the right to use an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for competition at the festival for promotional purposes. A clip of winning entries may also be streamed on the WWIFF.COM website and WRPN.TV

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Screenplay  

o Submission Information


An organization dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of sex-positive and kink-friendly depictions in film and television, CineKink is seeking films and videos that explore and celebrate the wide diversity of sexuality for our annual NYC-based festival and screening tour. Returning after a pandemic-inspired hiatus, we're sticking our toes back out into the festival world, as we celebrate our 19th anniversary in 2022! Currently planned for May 2022, the specially-curated CineKink NYC will include a short film competition, audience choice awards and an adult industry showcase, with a national screening tour to follow. Our hope is to offer in-person festivities and screenings, as long as it's possible to do so safely and affordably, enhanced by virtual presentations to expand our offerings. Cutting across orientations, topics covered at CineKink have included — but are by no means limited to — BDSM, leather and fetish, swinging, non-monogamy and polyamory, roleplay and gender bending, sex work and sex geekery. We're looking to blur some boundaries and will be considering offerings of any length and genre drawn from both Hollywood and beyond, with works ranging from documentary to drama, camp comedy to artsy experimental, mildly spicy to quite explicit — and everything in between. Basically, as long as it involves consenting adults, just about anything celebrating sex as a right of self expression is fair game. (Far be it from us to define "kink" — if you think your work might make sense in this context, do send it along. Nonetheless, please read ALL guidelines before submitting, and make sure your work fits with our sex-focused niche!!)

o When/Where: July 30 - August 3rd 

o Deadline: January 4 (Early Bird Deadline), January 31 (Regular Deadline), February 28 (Late Deadline) March 28 (Final Deadline)

o Application Fee: $20-$55

o Eligibility: All genres will be considered for inclusion in the festival and there is currently no restriction on production completion dates, as long as your submission is a finished work.

  • If you're submitting a series, you may include up to three episodes per entry. 

  • In addition to your entry, please include a log-line description of your work, and a brief synopsis if available. A publicity still or two is also welcome, either online or on disc, high-resolution preferred. Please hold off on sending any additional materials at this time.

o Categories: Feature, Short 

o Submission Information

The Her Vision International Film Festival 

We welcome filmmakers and screenwriters from around the world! We accept feature films and shorts as well as feature-length and short scripts. Our main goal is equality and empowerment in the cinematic arts. The Her Vision International Film Festival is here to highlight the achievements of women and female-identifying directors, writers, editors and producers. In addition to our mission of equality, we also underscore the importance of unity. For example, our first year's Feature Film Winner was a female producer/writer with a male director. We also welcome and encourage LGBTQ creatives. You may submit a screenplay or a film if you are a male or male-identifying director or writer if your story shows a female with some agency or shows the plight of being a female or a member of the LGBTQ community. We are here to encourage and empower creatives regardless of gender. If you have questions as to whether you or your project qualifies, feel free to reach out; Caterinacampagna26@gmail.com. What also makes our festival stand out is that we have a Rewrite and Re-edit section. Screenwriters know that writing is rewriting and filmmakers know that shooting the ending that you really want is sometimes only possible after a deadline. To that end, we offer you a chance to resubmit your work with a half-off your original submission fee discount. Thank you for bringing your passion to the table! 

o When/Where: June 20 

o Deadline: January 22 (Regular Deadline), February 28 (Spring Into Gear), March 20 (Halfway Home), April 20 (Lights), May 15 (Camera), June 8 (Action)

o Application Fee: $8-55

o Eligibility: your screenplay is written in Italian or Spanish they will be accepted.

  • All screenplays must be submitted as a pdf.

  • The writer of the project or an authorized party is the only person who can submit a project.

  • For the Her Vision International Film Festival, 50 pages and above is considered a feature-length screenplay. Of course, under 50 pages is a short screenplay.

  • Stage plays will be accepted at this festival.

    The runtime for a short film is 49 minutes or less.
    Music Videos will be considered short films.
    Commercials will also be considered short films.
    If you have a half-hour TV pilot, that will fit into the shorts category. Half-hour Web Series are also eligible for short film consideration.
    If your project is in a language other than English, Italian or Spanish, please make sure that it is subtitled in English.
    If your project is chosen to be screened it must be sent in as a DVD.

  • Projects over 50 minutes are considered feature-length films. Fiction and documentaries are welcome. *43-48 minute TV pilots will be eligible for this category.* If your project is in a language other than English, Italian or Spanish, please make sure that it is subtitled in English. If your project is chosen to be screened at the live event it must be sent in as a DVD.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film

o Submission Information

Glass Ceiling Breakers: GCB 

The Glass Ceiling Breakers Film Festival is the very FIRST film festival in the Hudson Valley to present the work of women filmmakers from all over the world. The film fest joined the well established women's short play festival and will take place at the Philipstown Depot Theatre in Garrison NY located alongside the beautiful Hudson River steps away from MetroNorth. The festival will include a workshop with artists and will offer networking opportunities with filmmakers, writers and actors. Dates of the festival will be June 6-8 and a selection of films will be presented at GCB's Best of the Fest at the Bedford Playhouse in September 2025.

o When/Where: June 6-8

o Deadline: January 1 (Regular Deadline), February 14 (Late Deadline), March 15 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $11-$45

o Eligibility: Films must have a running time of 20 minutes or less. At least two female or female identifying filmmakers must fill the role of Writer, Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Production Designer, and/or Editor to qualify to screen at our festival. Any of these roles can be filled by a man but 2 have to be credited to a woman. BIPOC filmmakers are strongly encouraged to submit.

o Categories: Short Films

o Submission Information

Female Eye Film Festival 

The Female Eye is a competitive international women directors' film festival . The Female Eye is a competitive international women directors' film festival that was established in 2001, as a not-for-profit organization. The 20th anniversary returned LIVE at TIFF Bell Lightbox, June 2022. We look forward to the 21st edition! The Female Eye showcases high-caliber independent films that illuminate the best of debut, emerging, and established women directors from around the globe. Our Script Development Program is open to both men and women. FeFF is big on audience engagement and networking. Audience Q&As follow each film program. All festival delegates receive a VIP All Access Pass to the festival (screenings, script development, FeFF Photo Exhibit, happy hour, industry panels, tributes, workshops, and the closing awards ceremony), where networking with attendees, festival participants, and industry members is key. The Female Eye, noted for its intimate atmosphere and accessibility, attracts film enthusiasts, emerging and internationally recognized directors, screenwriters, seasoned industry professionals, celebrities, and decision-makers in the film and television industry. The Female Eye serves to bridge the gap between the written and film arts. We produce a robust Industry Initiatives Program consisting of panels, masterclasses, workshops, script development, and pitch and networking sessions. Annually, FeFF honors an Honorary Director and Honorary Maverick with a Best in the Biz Tribute, an "intimate conversation with" and award presentation. Script Development is a three-tier program comprising the Good to Go, a closed-door session with decision-makers for screenwriters with scripts that are "good to go"; the Script-Reading Series, where main scenes are read by ACTRA members before a live audience and industry guests who provide feedback to the writers; and the Live Pitch, where writers and their team members pitch to a live audience and an industry-led jury. The winner takes home a $2,500 cash prize. For ten consecutive years (2013–2022), the Female Eye Film Festival has been voted one of the "Top 50 film festivals in the world worth the entry fee" by MovieMaker magazine. FeFF is an accredited festival by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television and a Telefilm

o When/Where: July 16-20

o Deadline: January 31 (Regular Deadline), March 31 (Late Deadline), April 11 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $50-$100

o Eligibility: Films must be directed by women. The Script Development Program is open to both men and women. Screenplays written by men must feature a female protagonist. Films must be produced within two years of the festival, and they cannot be streaming, televised, or playing theatrically in Canada. We give priority to films that have not yet screened in Toronto. The fee for the competition is applicable to all deadlines. Filmmakers and screenwriters must elect to compete for an award. The flat fee to enter the competition is $100 regardless of the deadline, genre, or project duration. FeFF programmers can also choose to nominate a project into the competition if they feel a project is award-worthy.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Screenplay 

o Submission Information

New Jersey International Film Festival 

The Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center proudly announces the 29th Annual New Jersey International Film Festival. The festival will be held between May 31- June 9, 2024 at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey and will showcase the best in independent film by featuring premiere screenings, special guest appearances by film directors, screenwriters, cast and crew and more. For more information go to www.njfilmfest.com or e-mail us at NJMAC@aol.com or njmac12@gmail.com!

o When/Where: May 30-June 8

o Deadline: November 21 (Super Early Bird Deadline), December 11 (Early Bird Deadline), December 31 (Regular Deadline), January 20 (Late Deadline), February 11 (Super Late Deadline), March 3 (Super Super Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $36-95

o Eligibility: This competition is open to U.S. and International entries. Maximum film age is 24 months. No repeat entries. If a work is selected for public screening entrants are contractually obligated to provide an exhibition copy suitable for screening and cannot withdraw their film from the festival. Entry must be a New Jersey or Area Premiere and must not be available to view in full on the internet! Please note we do not pay screening fees. Only finalists are notified in advance that their work has been selected to be part of the Festival.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film, Documentary, Experimental.

o Submission Information

The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival 

The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival is a chance to share and celebrate greatness in the world of female filmmaking. Our incredible community ranges from directors, to producers, to screenwriters, to actors, to content creators! Whatever the medium: We build this festival to shed light, deliver opportunity and celebrate the achievements of women in the world of filmmaking, storytelling and beyond! We're going into our 3rd year celebrating The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival and we're so excited for this year's work, partnerships, competitions and more. Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Women's Independent Film Awards for screenings, networking, resources, collaboration, learning, partnerships and for our official premieres and awards ceremony blocks. The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival was created to encourage female content creators with unique backgrounds to share their stories/ The festival will promote the work of women filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film. Women have to be involved in the creation of ALL submitted films! That can be either as directors, producers, writers, performers, etc. Just as long as they were involved in the creation of the submitted work.

o When/Where:  October 9-12 

o Deadline: November 30 (November Deadline), January 31 (January Deadline),  March 1 (February Deadline), March 31 (March Deadline), April 30 (April Deadline), May 31 (May Deadline), June 30 (Regular Deadline), July 31 (Regular Deadline), September 1 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-52

o Eligibility: All entries should be sent via FilmFreeway with a secure online screener.

  • Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.

  • By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.

  • By submitting to the festival you give consent to the festival programming staff to screen your work in front of the private audience of the Women's Independent Film Festival community.

  • There is no minimum running time.

  • Submission fees are non-refundable

  • Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1st, 2019.

  • All genres are welcome

  • Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film, Documentary, Experimental 

o Submission Information

Atlanta Women's Film Festival 

The Atlanta Women's Film Festival is a live screening of short films and table read events that takes place in Atlanta, GA. This event is an amazing opportunity to promote female filmmakers, directors, writers, producers, actors, and female-centered storylines to our incredibly supportive film community. There will be live screening blocks of films with Q&As with the filmmakers, table reads for the screenplays in our competition, live panels with influential women in the film industry, and networking events for anyone that would like to attend. Script writers, in addition to submitting your script to the festival we also provide optional script coverage. Script coverage with our festival includes the price of your submission fee. Your work will be analyzed by a Cinema Life filmmaker who's produced award-winning films, has extensive writing experience, and also understands the indie way of filmmaking.

o When/Where: October 12

o Deadline: November 30 (Early Bird Deadline), December 31 (Holiday Deadline), January 31 (New Year Deadline), February 28 (Regular Deadline), March 31 (Spring Deadline), April 30 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Extended Late Deadline), July 31 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $15-60

o Eligibility: Please fully fill out your submission profile to avoid hold-ups in the judging process. Points may be taken off of overall scores for incomplete profiles.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film, Documentary, Animated, Music Video, Podcast  

o Submission Information

Los Angeles Diversity Film Festival 

Our mission is to create a true multicultural experience represented by the world's independent film community where filmmakers showcase their voices without judgment, stereotypes, degradation or insincere reflection. We support the following topics, filmmakers and communities: LGBT, Disability Culture, Racial/Ethnic Diversity, Religious Diversity, Family structures, as well as other social diversities including the aging population and youth in cinema.

o When/Where: August 9-10

o Deadline: December 31 (Regular Deadline), February 15 (Late Deadline), March 15 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $25-$50

o Eligibility: To be eligible to screen, your film does not have to be a Premiere. Films must be original works, or you must have official permission and licensure to exhibit someone else's work. If you submit a film with copyrighted or trademarked materials, and you do not have written permission to use them, you are not be eligible to screen. Films can be original or adapted works, but you must have written permission to use copyrighted or trademarked content. Your film must be in English, or subtitled in English.

o Categories: Short, Documentary, Pilot, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Divergent Film Festival

After a groundbreaking inaugural year in Orlando, the Divergent Film Festival returns with even greater energy and creativity—this time in the heart of Brooklyn. Known for its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant artistic community, Brooklyn serves as the perfect backdrop for the second year of this trailblazing festival, dedicated to celebrating diverse voices and unconventional storytelling. This year's festival promises to push the boundaries even further, showcasing films that challenge the status quo and redefine the narrative landscape. With a special focus on Afrofuturism, Afrosurrealism, and stories that highlight BIPOC and multicultural perspectives, the Divergent Film Festival is where art, culture, and innovation intersect.

o When/Where: April 18-20

o Deadline: December 31 (Regular Deadline), February 15 (Late Deadline), March 15 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $15-$60

o Eligibility: Original Content: All submitted films must be the original work of the applicant and must not infringe on any copyrights or other rights of third parties.

  • Completion Date: Films must have been completed within the last two years prior to the festival date.

  • Language: Non-English language films must include English subtitles.

  • Submission Categories: Films can be submitted in the following categories: Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary. Each film may only be submitted in one category

o Categories: Feature, Short, Screenplay 

o Submission Information

The Women's Independent Film Festival 

The Women's Independent Film Festival is a chance to share and celebrate greatness in the world of female filmmaking. Our incredible community ranges from directors, to producers, to screenwriters, to actors, to content creators! Whatever the medium: We build this festival to shed light, deliver opportunity and celebrate the achievements of women in the world of filmmaking, storytelling and beyond! We're going into our 3rd year celebrating the Women's Independent Film Festival and we're so excited for this year's work, partnerships, competitions and more.  Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Women's Independent Film Festival for screenings, networking, resources, collaboration, learning, partnerships and for our official premieres and awards ceremony blocks. The Women's Independent Film Festival was created to encourage female content creators with unique backgrounds to share their stories/ The festival will promote the work of women filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film.  Women have to be involved in the creation of ALL submitted films! That can be either as directors, producers, writers, performers, etc. Just as long as they were involved in the creation of the submitted work.

o When/Where: October 9-12 2025

o Deadline: October 30 (October Deadline), November 30 (November Deadline), January 31 (January Deadline), March 1 (February Deadline), March 31 (March Deadline), April 30 (April Deadline), May 31 (May Deadline), June 30 (June Deadline), July 31 (Regular Deadline), September 1 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$60

o Eligibility: All entries should be sent via FilmFreeway with a secure online screener. Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.  By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.  By submitting to the festival you give consent to the festival programming staff to screen your work in front of the private audience of the Women's Independent Film Festival community.  There is no minimum running time. Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1st, 2019.  All genres are welcome Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

o Categories: Shorts, Feature Film, Documentary, Animated

o Submission Information

Rainbow Fest Chicago 

A CELEBRATION OF ALL THINGS QUEER Launched in 2018 as #SafeSpace, Rainbow Fest is a one-of-a-kind showcase of underrepresented voices that has raised funds for deserving organizations such as Trans Lifeline, Brave Space Alliance, Planned Parenthood, and more. Previous hosts and special guests include Meg Stalter (Hacks), Pauley Perrette (NCIS), Robyn Coffin (Chicago Fire), Maya May (The Lincoln Project), Scott Duff (Out Chicago), Malic White (Candyman)

o When/Where: June 21-28

o Deadline: September 30 (Pride Deadline), October 31 (Super Earlybird Deadline), November 30 (August Deadline), December 31 (September Deadline), January 24 (October Deadline), February 21 (November Deadline), March 17 (Regular Deadline), April 8 (Extended Deadline), April 30 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $13-$75

o Eligibility: All genres and content types are welcome. Your film should feature queer identities, but that doesn't have to be the main focus. We love to see our queers in genre films just as much as romance. 

o Categories: Feature, Short 

o Submission Information

Everybody is Somebody 

The Albuquerque Film Festival, with the mantra 'Everybody is Somebody,' stands as a beacon of digital celebration for the world's storytellers. Nestled in the heart of New Mexico's vibrant capital, Albuquerque, our festival opens its doors wide, welcoming a kaleidoscope of cinematic talent from every corner of the globe. Dive into the fray with your masterpieces, as we call for submissions across all film genres; there's a spotlight here for every creator, regardless of nationality. It's your time to shine, to vie for prestigious awards across a multitude of categories. Let's unite. Let's craft. Let's rejoice. Boasting a spectrum as broad as the imagination itself, our festival invites you to join an esteemed circle, where selected films don't just screen—they compete for a host of distinctions, bestowed both by minutes of in-depth conversation about your creative journey, shared on our official website, YouTube channel, and across social media landscapes. Our committee is as varied as the films we celebrate, featuring a global tapestry of professionals—Architects to Entrepreneurs, Artists to Filmmakers, and VFX Producers—each bringing a unique perspective to the screen. Every submission is watched thoroughly, ensuring your vision is seen and appreciated in its entirety. Our Goals:To broadcast fresh, trailblazing narratives and cinematic discourse from across the world.To offer an exclusive glimpse into the pioneering realm of New Cinema.To foster the exchange of ideas and experiences among our event's vibrant participants. Our Creed: We are the champions of the cinematic dreamer, the believers in the power of story. The 'Everybody is Somebody' Albuquerque Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the most diverse array of narratives. Our mission? To empower every filmmaker with a burning passion, to connect creators with audiences, and to help solidify their mark in the ever-expanding universe of film.

o When/Where: April 25-27

o Deadline: July 1 (Deadline 2), August 5 (Deadline 3), September 2 (Deadline 4), October 7 (Deadline 6), November 4 (Deadline 7), December 2 (Deadline 8), January 6 (Deadline 9), February 3 (Deadline 10), March 16 (Deadline 11) 

o Application Fee: $15-20 

o Eligibility: We accept all fiction and non-fiction film genres. All age groups are accepted. Projects submitted must be the original work of the participant. All submission will be received through Film Freeway only. No Exceptions. 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Animated, Documentary, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Reel Sisters of the diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series 

The Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series is a two-day annual film festival founded by African Voices magazine. Established in 1997, Reel Sisters (www.reelsisters.org) is dedicated to providing opportunities for women of color to advance their careers in the film industry. Reel Sisters accepts films written, directed, or produced by women/non-binary filmmakers of color. Reel Sisters is the first Academy Qualifying Film Festival for short narratives devoted to women of color across the globe. Reel Sisters is an IMDb qualifying film festival. Reel Sisters celebrates our 25th Anniversary in 2022! APPLICATION INFO: YOU MUST SUBMIT PRODUCTION STILLS/PHOTOS and a TRAILER for your submission to be ELIGIBLE AND COMPLETE. You can screenshot photos from your film if you were unable to hire a photographer. Reel Sisters is a competitive festival and films are selected by an independent jury. Please submit films early as deadlines away staff if you have any issues uploading your film and making it downloadable for our production staff if you receive an acceptance letter.

  • We will need downloadable trailer links from FilmFreeway or Vimeo to help promote your film in our festival. You must submit the trailers and photos with your application. If your materials are not submitted with your application, your film will be disqualified.

  • Complete the details required, providing brief synopsis of the film, credits, production stills and trailers. We accept photographs in all formats including JPEGs, TIFFs and EPS (electronic photos must be 300 dpi resolution for promotional purposes). 

  • All accepted films will be notified via email. Please make sure ALL of your Contact Information is up-to-date. If your email changed between the time you submitted your film and our Notification Date, please update it ASAP so we can correspond with you.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

NYWIFT Member Screening Series 

The New York Women in Film & Television Member Screening Series is a unique opportunity for NYWIFT members to showcase their work in a theatrical setting. The series features a diverse array of projects from both established and emerging filmmakers in celebration of our community of women filmmakers. The NYWIFT member screening is open to all current members of NYWIFT. Films are selected and notified on a rolling basis for screening in the series. Due to high demand, screening is not guaranteed though we do our best to accommodate as many members as possible. Films may be short or feature length and may be paired with other film(s) for the screening. All genres are welcome. Projects must feature at least one current NYWIFT member in a key creative role. Films should have been completed within the last 4 years. If you have submitted your film in the past we encourage you to submit it again now for future consideration. 

o When/Where: The series takes place September through November and January through June.

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: For the 2022-2023 season, we are envisioning a mix of virtual and in-person screenings, subject to change. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee everyone an in-person slot. But alternately if you have a strong desire for your film to screen vi

o Submission Information


The Girl With No Talent

Casting "The Girl With No Talent," a feature film. Synopsisrtually, please note it in your submission.

  • Screenings are followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker / creative team.

  • Please note: By submitting your film, you confirm that you have or are able to attain the rights to screen this film in a public setting.

  • Please be aware that a public NYWIFT screening may disqualify you from submitting to certain other festivals. By submitting your film to us, you acknowledge that you are ready and willing for your film to screen publicly now.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Katie Chambers at kchambers@nywift.org.: A self-absorbed talent agent, Benny, must use a talentless actress to help him achieve his lifelong dream of 'making a movie' finally come true. However, the real transformation happens when he realizes that family and integrity matter more. It's a perfect blend of Hollywood satire, character growth, and heartfelt resolution. Rehearses August; shoots in Atlanta, GA, Columbia, SC, and Los Angeles, CA.

o Roles: Various 

o Rate: Total Pay: $5,000 - $75,000 for an estimated 3 weeks of work 

o Audition Information 


The Writers Lab 

The Writers Lab US is a four day retreat, conducted in-person outside New York City. Writers undergo deep development work on their projects, with revision guidance and career support from the experienced TWL team and some of the industry's best writers and producers in one-on-one and group sessions. Shared meals and group activities provide an opportunity for broader conversations and creative exchange.

o Deadline: April 8 

o Application Fee: $50-80

o Eligibility: Applicants must be at least 40 years old on or before the Lab: born on or before November 1, 1984.

  • Because The Writers Lab serves women and non-binary writers over 40, applicants must identify as women or non-binary. We honor the fact that gender is personal and specific and seek to create an inclusive and supportive community.

  • TWL US applicants may be residents and/or citizens of any country.

  • Submissions must be feature-length screenplays OR pilots (both 1-hour and ½-hour accepted) in English. NO script fragments, treatments, synopses, shorts, stage plays, book excerpts, or documentaries. (A per-page surcharge will be levied on feature scripts 130+ pages and on pilot scripts 75+ pages.)

  • Scripts by more than one writer will be considered, but all writers must meet all eligibility requirements, including age and gender.

  • Each Applicant may submit up to three (3) scripts, with a separate application for each script submitted.

  • The Lab seeks a broad selection of scripts across all genres of fiction (drama, comedy, horror, action, thriller, science fiction, animation, musical, etc.). Scripts may be about any topic and don't need to be specifically about women, but we definitely notice scripts that feature women characters, especially if they transcend cliches and/or challenge norms.

  • The Lab seeks submissions from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural groups.

o Submission Information

LA Independent Women in Film Awards 

LA Independent Women Film Awards focuses on international and U.S. film and script projects of all genres. Every season, the IMDb qualifying fest recognizes projects with a female producer, director, lead actress, writer, cinematographer, editor, composer, etc. All topics related to women's thoughts, women's fate, life conditions, women's views and so on are welcome to participate. All the winners will be promoted through various online magazines in California and can request to receive certificates and laurels. All the winners can request for screening through our festival. Our mission is designed to help create a platform for our filmmakers to be seen, but more importantly, get them the industry exposure to help sustain their craft for many years to come.The members of our jury will be award winning artists working in media from all over the world. All the award winners can request to be a jury member of a new edition of the festival in order to vote for one of the categories. LA Independent Women Film Awards is an outstanding event for promoting female artists working in media from all over the world.

o When/Where: May 18 

o Deadline: March 11 (Regular Deadline), April 17 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-$60 

o Submission Information

Director, Content Production, Eyeline Studios 

At Eyeline, Scanline VFX's virtual production division, we want to provide you with a solid foundation where you can be a part of an innovative team of brilliant researchers, developers and virtual storytellers. Eyeline Studios serves as the central hub of innovation for Netflix and its partners with the goal of empowering the creators with unparalleled creative and technical capabilities to share their vision with audiences across the globe. Our studio is strategically positioned to give filmmakers early access to our latest innovations to not only help execute their vision but also to have them help shape those capabilities to better serve the global community of storytellers. To effectively serve the needs of the business as well as our partners, the role of the Director of Content Production is being created to oversee the Eyeline production team in all aspects of production including bidding, planning, execution, and delivery of our engagements.  The Director's role is to oversee all Eyeline Producers and provide the Production workflow structure for a wide variety of projects. In this senior leadership role, they will provide an environment where the production team can excel in leading challenging projects and achieving exceptional results.  This role will work closely with the internal & external teams including Virtual Production, VFX, Research, pipeline and development to maintain a positive working relationship and facilitate innovative solutions for all production needs. The Director of Content Production will be a proven leader, with a deep knowledge of the VFX, Virtual Production, and emerging workflows and a developing knowledge and industry changing innovations. They will demonstrate expert negotiation skills, business acumen and a passion for coaching and production crew development. They must be able to juggle multiple responsibilities and reconcile competing priorities.  They will be able to adapt to change while remaining productive and focused on long term goals.

o Responisbilities: Manages new project set up workflows and procedures, ensuring proper forecasting and reporting to Finance and Resource Management

  • Work directly with technology development: Software, IT, Hardware and Robotics, in order to assure development of goals are aligned with Production needs.

  • Cultivate strong, collaborative relationships between the Production Team and  all Clients and Stakeholders including Scanline VFX, Netflix, and Eyeline Research teams

  • Lead an aligned cross-functional internal team supporting multiple projects and competing schedules.

  • Build systems and manage all calendars and schedules to provide transparency

  • Maintains close communication and alignment with business development staff on all potential revenue projects

  • Supervise and mentor all Eyeline Producers and core production team at both a project and career level

  • Responsible for overseeing all project bidding for Eyeline work, including both Eyeline and Eyeline shared projects with Scanline VFX

  • Is the key point of escalation for Eyeline projects and work done in the Eyeline innovation space

o Pay Range: $230,000 - $250,000 a year

o Submission Information

Hollywood Cineverse Screenplay Competition 

What's your story? THE HOLLYWOOD CINEVERSE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION would like to know! Our competition welcomes emerging writers, celebrates diversity, and upholds the collective experience of enjoying cinema. We're a small-scale, indie screenplay competition that meets for annual gatherings in the heart of Hollywood, Los Angeles. Part of an alliance of indie festivals around the world, this is a great opportunity to get your work seen both in the U.S. and globally. Official selections of our festival are screened each year at trendy venues in Los Angeles. Writers are encouraged to join us at these events for Q&As, an awards presentation, and an opportunity to mingle with an enthusiastic audience. Selected works have the opportunity to win a variety of awards, accolades, distribution opportunities, and prizes (see below). Our awards are IMDb certified! We welcome scripts from all over the world, and of all genres. We accept short, feature, and pilot scripts up to 120 pages long. Come, grab a drink with friends, and check out the latest scripts from L.A. and across the globe. We pride ourselves on a diverse and open community who loves indie cinema of all kinds. When you submit to our festival you enter into a local filmmaking and film loving community. Join CINEVERSE, submit your script, and get your work seen! It all starts here

o When/Where: September 19

o Deadline: January 31 (New Season Deadline), February 28 (Early Bird Deadline), March 31 (End of Winter Deadline), April 30 (Late Submission Deadline), May 31 (Extended Deadline), June 30 (Final Call, Final Decisions) 

o Application Fee: $30-50

o Categories: Feature Script, Short Script  

o Submission Information

Torch Literary Arts 

Torch Literary Arts welcomes submissions of original creative work by Black women writers. We are interested in work that challenges and disrupts preconceived notions of what contemporary writing by Black women should be. Your stories and poems are valuable and necessary. Write freely and submit what you are excited to share with the world. Submissions are accepted for Friday Features only. We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Simultaneous submissions to other journals are welcome as long as they are identified as such and we are notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.                    

o Deadline: Rolling Basis 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Include a one (1) page cover letter noting the title(s) of the work(s) submitted.

  • Upload your text submission as a Word (DOC, DOCX) or portable document format/PDF (PDF).

  • Typed, double-spaced (poetry may be single-spaced) pages.

  • Numbered pages.

  • Margins should be set at no less than 1" and no greater than 1.5".

  • Poetry: submit up to five (5) poems totaling no more than eight (8) pages.

  • Fiction, Hybrid genre: 12-point font. No more than ten (10) pages or 2500 words (whichever is achieved first). Excerpts of longer works are welcome if self-contained.

  • Drama/Screenwriting: submit one act or a collection of short scenes no longer than ten (10) pages. Excerpts of longer works are welcome if self-contained. Indicate if a performance video or dramatic audio reading will be available with the text submission if selected.

  • Restrictions: We do not reprint previously published work for TORCH Friday Features.

o Categories: Scripts 

o Submission Information 


Based in NY and LA, A24 is the Academy Award-winning film and TV studio behind feature films such as Minari, Midsommar, Moonlight, Ex Machina, Uncut Gems, and this summer's Zola and The Green Knight. A24 TV productions include the Emmy-winning series Euphoria for HBO starring Zendaya, Hulu series Ramy from Golden Globe-winner Ramy Youssef, the eponymous variety series from viral comedy sensation Ziwe for Showtime, the forthcoming Joseph Gordon-Levitt Apple series Mr. Corman, and the Netflix anthology series Beef starring Oscar nominee Steven Yeun and Ali Wong.

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Los Angeles, CA & New York, NY 

o Website: https://a24films.com/jobs 

The Kate Spade New York Foundation

o To honor Kate Spade's legacy of empowering and inspiring women and girls, the National Council for Behavioral Health is excited to provide complimentary Mental Health First Aid training to communities throughout the five boroughs of New York City and New Jersey and in partnership with organizations that specifically support these populations. 

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.

The National Council for Behavioral Health shares Kate Spade New York Foundation's belief in "the power of women to transform their communities" through empowerment.  In support of this mission, we are offering through a competitive application process, select Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training, fully funded!  

o Location: New York, NY 

o Website

o Application information


Artslink International Fellowship 

The ArtsLink International Fellowship program prioritizes applicants whose social practices seek to actively engage communities on issues related to the current climate emergency and human rights. We will actively encourage artists and arts leaders whose work is making a vital contribution to furthering people's awareness, understanding, and active participation in environmental and/or social justice issues. Additionally, we will prioritize artists recently displaced from or still working in Afghanistan and Ukraine.

o Deadline: Letter of Inquiry deadline will be announced in January 2025 Fellowships take place in 2026: online research in May and in person residencies in the US in October-November

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: CEC ArtsLink welcomes applications from contemporary artists, curators, and arts leaders whose work is shaped by community engagement and social practice strategies, and informed by our most urgent local and global issues. We welcome applications from artists of any generation and invite those with both traditional and non-traditional artistic backgrounds. Applicants must be citizens of one of our network countries. If you are living outside the region, please indicate where you are currently based. Please note that an ability to communicate both verbally and in written English will be essential to success in the program. Undergraduate students and research scholars are not eligible. Arts leaders/curators must be affiliated with an arts organization in the non-commercial sector or work as individual independent arts professionals. Artists seeking placement in commercial firms are ineligible. ArtsLink International Fellows from prior years are not eligible to reapply.

o Application Information

Sloan Distribution Grant

The Sloan Distribution Grant is a $50,000 grant awarded by Film Independent to a film that is entering its distribution phase. Eligible films must depict themes, stories and ase.

o Contact: artistdevelopment@filmindependent.org

o Application Information

Panavision New Filmmaker Program

Panavision believes in helping students and beginning filmmakers achieve their dreams. More than 25 years ago, Panavision launched the New Filmmaker Program, an ongoing grant program that loans camera packages to film schools, training programs, and independent filmmakers – at little or no charge. Panavision's commitment to the industry's future provides student and beginning filmmakers the opportunity to work with professional grade equipment early in their careers.

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Submit your proposals at least two months before you plan to shoot. Due to the high demand for Panavision cameras and equipment, it is essential that you plan ahead and contact us early.

  • Proposal materials will not be returned.

  • The New Filmmaker Program does not discriminate as to the nature of the project that can receive equipment grants. Any form, from experimental to documentary to musical to traditional narrative, is welcome.

  • Camera grants are available only for productions in the United States. Customs laws make transportation of cameras out of the US prohibitive. No exceptions.

  • The New Filmmaker Program will not allow cameras to be used on projects that perpetuate racial or sexual stereotypes and prejudices. Pornography is absolutely unacceptable.

  • Grant recipients must obtain insurance from an outside insurance agent. Students can generally have the school issue the necessary policies. Plan ahead! This can take several weeks to implement. The process varies from school to school, so check with your film department. Productcharacters grounded in real science, technology or economics.

o Contact: nfp@panavision.com

o Application Information

Catapult Film Fund

Catapult Film Fund provides development funding to documentary filmmakers who have a compelling story to tell, have secured access to their story, and are ready to shoot and edit a piece for production fundraising purposes. Our mission is to enable filmmakers to develop their films to the next level at a moment where funding is hard to find.

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Catapult does not fund student films.

Documentaries must be 28 minutes or longer in length. We do not fund series.

Animation is okay. Documentary/narrative hybrids will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Development funds must specifically be used for the process of completing a fundraising piece, which may include writing, shooting and editing once story and characters are in place.

Applicants must own the copyright of their production, and have artistic, budgetary and editorial control over their project.

Applicants should preferably have previous film or television production experience in a principal role (director, co-director, producer, co-producer) as demonstrated by submitting a previously completed work sample.

Applicants who have not yet produced or directed their own feature length documentary should demonstrate that they will be working with an experienced filmmaker in a principal role.

Catapult only makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations. In most cases, this will mean getting a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for the project. A film production company or individual, including applicants from outside the US, may submit an application without a fiscal sponsor in place. Please see the FAQ section for more details.

o Contact: info@catapultfilmfund.org

o Application Information


18th Street Arts Center

18th Street Arts Center values art making as an essential component of a vibrant, just, and healthy society. Its mission is "to provoke public dialogue through contemporary art making." Founded in 1988, 18th Street Arts Center has fostered and supported the work of many of Los Angeles' most engaging artists, and has built bridges to artist communities around the globe.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Yes

o When: Ongoing

o Eligibility: The Visiting Artist Residency Program accepts applications from working, professional artists who demonstrate a deep commitment to their practices. The program is open to artists of all generations, nationalities, and disciplines. Applicants are required to cover studio rental costs themselves. Although we primarily support visual artists, 18th Street Arts Center will consider applications from performing artists, writers, and filmmakers as well. 

o Address: 1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404

o Contact: 310-453-3711

o Application Information


NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.

backHer- Women specific grants for all fields


FILMFREEWAY - Film/Video artists can check FilmFreeway at:


#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...